Monday, August 29, 2005

so much to write, so very, very little time!!

ok, i have 1 hour to write, and i have like almost a week, no wait, it's only been a weekend!?!? well anyway, i have a lot to write! and only an hour, ugh! ok, this will be hard, i have 2 chicks bugging me on MSN and i don't have the heart to tell them i'm busy...whatever. ok, once again i shall start where all good stories start, if you haven't guessed, it's the beggining! ok, as i stteped outside of my "bubble of non-reality", and as i looked at the world around i was filled with wait, that never really happened...oops! well anyway on what i believe was friday (my brain seems kinda screwy) anneli and sarah were supposed to come to tartu, anneli to help translate with our first church service, and sarah to go to our friend liis's birthday party(i really wanted her to come so i wouldn't be the only american). but becuase of a wonderful set of events sarah got left in tallinn but anneli made it here, lifes crazy, whatever. so anyway that was nice, me and anneli got to have a nice talk without any amercan interuptions, which was cool becuase one thing i love about talking to anneli is that we just talk about anything, nothings too stupid. so we talked about her time in america, my summer in estonia, our wonderful adventures (some the you will NEVER see on this blog, hehehe.....). and after a while our talk digressed to sailor moon (hey, i said nothings to stupid for us) and we ended up trying to read a sailor moon book she had in japanese. oh, what fun.........

now let me clear some things up, anneli is 16, really into anime, and i call her my freaky friend and she calls me her freaky friend. she is the first real girl nerd i have ever met, and so i love hanging out with her. and no, shes not like wierd or anything, just becuase she's 16 and still likes sailor moon doesnt mean shes that crazy....

so then after a nice nights sleep (i got the couch, anneli got my room) i woke and tried to watch TV with elizabeth and anneli, which was torture becuase it was a mix of info-mercials and dubbed over amercian cartoons...oh, the evil! and so after learning about the wonderful qualities of the "h2o-vac" we had breakfast and decided to go into the town center in search of good times, americans and nerdy landmarks. being me i knew where to find all 3, so with video camera in hand we went out and scared the crap out of everyone we could find, we only got 8 minutes of video tape but it was still awesome. we went around town and visited all the famous landmarks from our world famous "home video #1", and had all sorts of fun. we even visited nerd central, võlukamber (magic chamber) and checked out the anime. then we came back home and played some wonderful games of "swoosh" (star wars:battlefront on xbox). and then...*yawn*...oh look at the time, im going to bed, Cya.

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