Saturday, February 06, 2016

The Name's Mr. Fancy Pants, But You Can Call Me Pants

I am a youth pastor. My work outfit is pretty uniformly a t-shirt and jeans that I don't mind a kid puking on. If I'm feeling especially casual I might even wear shorts. When I want to look my most professional I wear a polo shirt with a Salvation Army shield on it. My wife runs a program that fights human trafficking. She meets with police and politicians and all sorts of big wigs. Thursday night she was invited to a dinner at a local college, and that means it's time to get fancy. Since I was attending the dinner as her driver/trophy husband that meant I had to be fancy as well. Jenny said I couldn't wear jeans. So I wore literal fancy pants.

This is a big deal to me for some reason.

Thursday was deeply uneventful. At work I sorted through Sunday School books and did lesson prepping for Sunday. Then I went to dinner in my fancy pants. The dinner was nice and I chatted with some college kids. They seemed to think I was an adult. I had them so fooled. I'm kind of intimidated by college students because of the sheer potential they seem to exude. They seem more prepared to take on the world than I do, and I graduated almost 4 years ago. Like I said, I tricked them into believing I was a functioning adult.

Full disclosure, this is my Thursday post. I started it on Thursday, so I'm closer to sticking to my writing plan with this one. Just not quite there yet. It's alright. Friday is alright.

Today I spent most of the day playing (and loving) XCOM 2. I had planned to spend the evening playing Magic, but for some reason a bunch of snow just dumped all over Portland after a week of mild weather. The one day I actually want to leave the house is the one day I was snowed in. Oh well, I guess being forced to play my brand new video game isn't that bad.

I don't really have anything else to say. These blog posts might go better if I didn't wait to write them until I was already falling asleep. If I stick to the plan then there will be a new post up tomorrow. If I continue my trend of being super late it might actually be Sunday. Either way, keep checking back, friendo.

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