Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Anybody else ever felt like Noah?

Flood!! Look out!! two very wet, very floody things are happening today. first it's raining, and i mean really raining, a lot. and the second is this, because of all the rain all the snow is melting, a lot. so there is water everywhere and when there's water on the ground it has only on way to go: Down!! and guess where i live: down. i live in the basement so with all the snow melting-rain pouring goodness going on outside i'm getting flooded. which is not good. i don't know if i ever blogged about this but i had vowed that as soon as we started getting rain instead of snow again i'd go outside and dance in it. well vows are made to be broken so rather than danceing i'm thinking more along the lines of mopping. oh i feel so bad for Noah now, he must have really hated water by the end of his trip. what makes this all so much worse is that despite the fact that i don't move to Tallinn for another three months (that long? awww...) i am already packing, because you know the early bird gets worms or whatever nastiness. so because i was already packing i had all sorts of stuff thrown accross my floor. books, CDs, boxs of only-God-knows-what, and all of it got wet. isn't that nice? it wasn't really as bad as i make it sound though. the biggest damage was that my copy of Romeo and Juliet that i'm reading for school got soaked through. and despite the fact that i'm risking having shakespeare's ghost kill me in my sleep i think i'll say i don't consider that a huge loss, especially since i can just dry it off on the heater.

now i'm thinkin a little bit about Romeo and Juliet and i just want to say my idea of "love" will never be the same again. if the kind of love that Romeo and Juliet have after one night of some nice words and two kisses is true love then i am completely confused. and may i just point out that Juliet is 13? doesn't that freak you out just a teensy bit? no word on Romeo's age yet but i'm sure he's much older. this book just cracks me and i like making fun of it, thats all. "Romeo, Romeo. wherefore art thou Romeo?" "i don't know, i don't know. wherefore am i Juliet?" anyway...yeah. now i know how to get a girlfriend, just tell her shes as fat as the moon. isn't that what Romeo does? whatever, i gotta go now, my brother's friend Lauri is over and they're tearing apart the house, i need to go put them in a cage or something, Cya.


liinzu said...

hehe... u have kinda fun there:DDD

Maret said...

well i think you're totally lucky because Liis doesn't read your blog..she would be so angry cause she is like the ultimate fan of Romeo and Juliet. Anyways...will you ever finnish writing about English Camp? Well i think i finnished first...anyways you'll get more water so have a nice time mopping.