Wednesday, February 01, 2006

man i love my blog...

i love getting such great feedback! my mom (i'm assuming it was her) left me this great verse: "Better to live in a desertthan with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife." (Proverbs 21:19)! isn't that cool? i guess the bible isn't against me. i never really thought it was in the first place though so that really proves nothing. and for your information little ms. M. ParkButt (and if you can't figure out who you are you're stupider than i thought) you were one of the three girls i mentioned. i said three because i didn't want to sound like a loser. and besides the reasons i already stated in my last post (didn't you even read it?) the other two girls are much to flighty for my taste, they'd be bored and move on in a week. but thats enough of that, and now on to music news!

i don't normally do anything like talk about music news ("yes you do!!" "shut up, random-passerby!!") but here is some nice news, tonight at 10 pm estonia time (3 pm east coast america time) on this radio station i have been all excited about ( they will be interviewing Yellow Card!! a really, really cool band!! and i'm planning to listen, i don't really care too much what you do. so anyway just let me tell you a little bit about Yellow Card (i know you don't wanna know but i'm the one writing this blog and if you wanna read it you have to put up with my stupidity). i love them for two big reasons, the first being that whenever i listen to them i feel 13 again. now that sounds funny coming from a 16 year old but seriously, i would give anything to go back three years to when the world was simpler. and the second reason is i have a passionate love for (and you would never guess this) the violin. i think violins are some of the most beautiful instruments on earth, and i love 'em. and what's special about Yellow Card(besides thier wierd name)? the have a wicked cool violinist who makes the band rock. without the violin this would be just another band, but with the violin...mmmwwwaaahhh!! (kissing my MP3 player) so anyway, that's all for now, i'll write more tommorow....Bye!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for listening to, and keep spreading the word!

--adam b., DJ