Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ummm...I got some wierd explanations to some of my questions...And got stopped by Falck!

I got stopped by Falck! YAY! Today as i took my usual number 1 tram to the corps something happened that had never happened to me before...i got stopped by Falck! Falck is the security company that does pretty much all the work the police are too busy to do. Such as stop trams and board them, searching for people without tickets. It sounds so cool to say they "boarded" us. It's all like "Dude! We're getting boarded! Prepare the defences! Fire at will commander!" So after the intense firefight with the Falck people (I had to force chokce one before they won, but back to reality...) they waved down the tram and boarded. An air of nervous apprehension came over us all. You know the part in "Star Wars:A New Hope" when darth vader is just about to board the "Tantive IV" (Princess Leia's StarShip) and all the rebel soldiers are hearing wierd noises and looking all around. That's what it was like for us. We stopped and were like "Hey, why'd we stop?" and then came the storm troopers, err, Falck people. So, mind racing, i put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my wallet. What should i do? Should i try to bribe them? Should i try to run? Should i lie and say that i am an ambassador of the galactic senate? But then it hit me. I have a ticket!

So i pulled out my I.D. card and waved it around a bit, just to show off how good i looked in my picture. Then a Falck lady walked up to my, and i did the unthinkable, i handed over my card. Oh, how tragic! I had surrendered to the enemy! Darth Vader had won! Just kidding. So she handed back my card and said "äitah" and moved on to the next victim. I sighed with relief. I cried tears of happiness. I watched in sadness as they marched about 8 people off and put them into the Falck van to bring them off to the police for their fine. This made me very sad. The only people to get taken were young people (the only people cocky enough to not buy a ticket) and a poor homeless guy with a huge bag of bottles to turn in for money (the only person who couldn't have bought a ticket, even if he'd wanted). This made me very, very sad. But i was still quite happy to have survived my scrape with Falck. So the is the story of my close encounter of the Falck kind.

And now to bring up so fun subjects again. First, CONDOMS! Secondly, Ladie's "PANTIES"! Now first, Condoms in airport bathrooms. Maybe i am just young an naive but sex in an airplane bathroom does NOT sound like fun. I've been in lots of airplane bathrooms and all of them seemed quite uncomfortable for any kind of anything involving two people. Even things involving one person (such as using the toilet) are uncomfortable in airplane bathrooms. I guess i understand needing a condom for shacking up after jumping off your flight but still, how desperate are these people? Whatever, some things i will never understand. Hopefully never. Anyway, on to Ladie's "Panties". I can kind of understand different clothes making you feel different. I mean i have my "Party Shirt" that i wear at parties because it's bright and colorful and makes me feel partyish, and i have my "Nice Red Shirt" that i wear when i want to look nice and feel like i look nice. But besides that i'm simply just a T-shirt and Jeans type of guy! So yeah, i don't really understand the whole three Panties and Bras stores in one mall thing, unless you're one of those chicks into the whole "airplane bathroom sex" thing. But still...doesn't make sense. How do white undergarments make you feel boring? The only thing that ever makes me feel boring is when i'm wearing nothing at all! Then i want to put some clothes on. But that's just me...so anyway, there's some insights into my strange, strange self. And an admission of the sad fact that there is so much i don't understand...like airport condoms and ladie's butt and breast covers. (Tee Hee, i'm making up funny names for underwear!) So now i must bid thee adieu, please refrain from sex in odd places and buying more Pantie's than you can afford. Tsau!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hi Chris,

it was very intersting story abou tyou nad Falck....

Take care
