Thursday, April 28, 2005

hey everybody.

i don't remember what it was but today i was thinking of putting some sort of poll on my blog but now i don't remember what it was...well, mida iganes (what ever). yesterday was wednesday and i went to youth group at kolgata. this time it was really coll becuase they taught everything, totally, and completely, WRONG!!! and we, the youth group, had to use our bibles to prove the "teachers" wrong. it was all about the end of the world type stuff so that was cool. and now today i spent most of the day on schoolwork and cleaning the house. cleaning the house is torture for me, i mean if i clean my own room what more do you want? some people are just never satisfied ;). and in one of my school books, a book about life in the siberian labor camps in the soviet times called "one day in the life of ivan denisovich", it said something about estonias!! i'll copy it on here.

"Nowadays people say it doesn't matter where you come from and that there are bad people everywhere. But of all the Estonians he'd seen, Shukhov [the main character] had never come across a bad one."

this is just one of many nice things it says about estonians, and as i read that paragraph there i thought "do i know any bad estonians?" so i went through a list in my head "...annely? no, just violent whenever shes around me...liina? no way...evilin? definitely not...tanel? nope..." and on and on. and i couldn't think of any bad estonians i knew!! now thats just sad. i mean i know theres bad americans, but bad estonians? mida iganes...

i don't have much to blog about so good night, sleep tight...oh you know how it go's, Cya.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

if you read my blog regualarly than i hope you know what today is...

today is the day that i, Chris Clark, go and rock the tartu yugioh dueling scene!!! ok, ok. so maybe i'm exagerating a little. i mean come on, averaging 6th place is pretty good right? no, no, it's not. but still, i'm gonna win next week. last week i bet my mirror force in a duel and lost it, as well as lost the tournament. and this week someone felt so bad for me that they gave me a card that i then traded for 6 cards that are (i think) gonna make me the best, stinking, duelist the yugioh TCG (trading card game) has ever seen!!! ok, i'm exagerating agin. sorry, sorry. ok but let me tell you, i dropped some cards that i only had in there because i've had them in my deck for the last 2 years (ookazi, big eye, etc.). and i added some new cards that are gonna make me the best (stealth bird, gravity bind, etc.)! i have 49 cards in my deck now, which is good because you have to have at least 40 cards in a deck and you don't want to have to many or you'll never get the cards you want (example:i want to draw my guardian angel joan from my deck and since i have 49 cards in my deck i have a 1 in 49 chance of getting it, rather than if i had say, 60 cards than i would be less likely to get it). so next week i will definetly win (random person on the steet says: "that's what you say every week Chris" Chris makes a angry face and yells: "shut it man!!")!

now i know you don't want to hear any more about yugioh, right? well heres something interesting. on the way to yugioh iwas riding my bike and there was this one part where i like to to go especially fast (note:my definenition of fast is probably different than most people's. by fast i mean as fast as i can go, burning rubber, ripping up sidewalk fast) and i was doing just that, going quite fast. and then i noticed that i was getting close to the next street and i was gonna have to slow down so i put my hand on the brake, i pulled on the brake, i didn't slow down. i pulled harder on the brake, nuthin. i yanked both brakes as hard as i could!!! "SCREEEECH!!!!!!!!" burnin' rubber. that one left a skid mark. so then i get off my bike, slightly shaken by the fact that i almost sent myself flying into the street straight into the path of a car, and checked my brakes. the stinking back brake was busted!! well nothing was gonna stop me from getting to yugioh so i used my feet and the front brake whenever i had to slow down for the rest of the trip. and since i have no reason to cuase you worry i will tell you that i was later able to make the brake functional again, now whether functional and fixed have the same meaning can be debated...

so now i'm done, i'm going to bed. good night.

Monday, April 25, 2005

(i have 2 titles for this) it's been like a week right? (or) the road less traveled by

sorry i haven't written in so long i've just been kinda busy. having my parents get back i've had a lot going on. but right now i'm gonna write about that, right now i'm gonna write about what i was just thinking about. note:this will not be like my (now famous) "i was just thinking...." blog entry, so it should be logical.

for school i'm reading this book of poems written by robert frost, some famous poet or other, you know? and this one peom sorta stood out, it's called "the road not taken". so now i'm gonna let you read it.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler; long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other; as just as fair;
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, i kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if i should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

isn't that cool? normally i don't really like poetry but this poem i liked. it made me think of myself. i mean if i look at my life i almost always have taken the road less traveled by. the only other person i know who comes close to being in the same situation as me is meaghan wittenberg. i mean seriously, how many people can say that thier parents are missionary's with the salvation army in estonia? how many people can say they've moved to a foriegn country they'd never even heard of at 14? how many poeple can say they've heard drunk guys walking on the street yelling in at least 2 languages? that is like the ultimate road less traveled by, and i'm quite sure it does make all the difference. this one move, these last 10 months have changed me so much, have completely made all the difference.

wow, that sounded really deep and thoughtful. i was gonna end this post there but i don't want to sound really deep and thoughtful. i know!! i'm gonna write a list of things i miss now that my parents are back and things that make me happy thier back.

things i miss: playing my music as loud as i want. when they were gone i could have my CD player in the basement going full blast playing skillet and be sitting by the computer upstairs hearing it, can't do that anymore. playing video game as much as i want, i never wrote this but...i had to video game binges when my parents were gone. that means roughly 8 hours of nonstop video games only stoping to eat and use the bathroom, that takes skill man. staying up as late as i want and getting up whenever i want. sometimes i'd go to bed at 2 in the morning and sometimes i'd wake up at lunch time, i just did whatever. and when i was in tallinn, waking up and seeing 2 zombified teenage girls (when they'd wake up they were as bad as i was. i swear no matter what i said first thing in the morning i'd get "huh?" as my reply), that was hilariously funny. and i really miss spending time with my friends, the only time i spend time with people my age in tartu is at yugioh and at youth groups, and since i don't speak estonian theres not to much of a conversation going on.

ok, things i missed and am now happy my parents are back for: i don't have to cook anymore! eating sandwhiches over and over was aweful. since my parents are back i have real motivation to get things, like schoolwork, done. i din't really have motivation before. and i missed peter, that is a definite. theres nothing better than having a baby fall asleep on your shoulder, it really is the coolest thing. and i just missed having my family around, it's nice to have time alone but its nice to be with my family to.

well, i think thats it, so Cya.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Christian ProGamer

got to this link: and you will go to my new gaming review site. i'm gonna write video game reviews from a christian point of view so if you or anyone you know plays video games you may find it interesting.

i just got the greatest idea ever!!!

i just got this idea, this divine inspiration, that i just have to tell you about!! i was looking through one of my gamepro magazine's (a gaming magazine that tells you stuff about video games) and i noticed somethings. first of all, the majority of games that were in there and that had a lot written about them were the games that would probably be offensive to many christians (such as darkwatch, grand theft auto, blood rayne, and resident evil. and even fable if you think about it). the type of games that christians would just not play. and i thought to myself "where have the morals of the gaming industry gone? oh wait, the gaming in dustry never had morals. but why do people play games like resident evil when they could tone it down a bit and go for some of the other shooters out there, theres so many". and then it hits me, why do people play these games? because these are the ones that get advertised. these are the ones they know about. and i thought "wouldn't it be nice if there were christians out there who wrote game reviews that said things beside 'video games are evil!!! never let your kids play video games!!!'". and it hit me, i play video games, as in lots of video games. and i already write online on a regular basis so why not start a second blog that would have game reviews on it? well why not? no reason really. so then i was hit with this great idea, i shall start another blog and it shall be "the christian progamer" (i think that sounds cool, don't you?) and it will be like my own little gaming magazine online. maybe no one will read it, but i'll enjoy it and maybe if someone does read it they will enjoy it and get some good insight into video games. and for those people who play video games they can read my reviews and decide what games to buy based on my reviews.

so now i will go and creat this gaming blog, and i shall write reviews on many games. and if you play video games you can read it as a gamer and that should be enjoyable. and if you have kids who play video games or even if you know people who play video games (like if your a corps officer and you have a hard core gamer in your corps) then you could read this to find out stuff about the games. ok so now i'm gonna go make that and then i'm gonna put a link to it on here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

i feel so proud.....

i've been putting off shopping for the last 2 and a half weeks. i haven't wanted to have to go shopping so i've been eating whatever i could find in the house, like sandwhiches, and more sandwhiches, and more....etc. so i was wicked sick of sandwhiches and i was out of bread anyway so i decided i'm gonna have to go shopping. so i got my money and went out to rimi. it's nice because the grocery store is like a 2 minute walk from my house so i knew i could buy as much as i needed and not have to worry about carrying it forever. so i went in there and i had a plan...cereal for breakfast tommorow, more lunch meat and bread for sandwhiches for lunch (i guess i'm not that sick of sandwhiches), pizza for supper tonight, and eggs for supper tommorow. and then on friday i go to tallinn so i don't have to worry about food. so i go in, grab one of those carrying things, and go get bread. it wasn't even 10 kroon, i was happy. so then i go to get lunch meat, they had this stuff that i used to have in america thats like balogna with pickles and peppers in it or something and i love that and it was one of the cheapest things there, 8 some kroon, so i got it and was happy. then i got the cereal, they had honey nut cheerios which made me happy, and it was one kroon cheaper than the other cereal so i was even more happy. then i went to get pizza and there were a few kinds, so i got the cheapest and was happy. now i went to get eggs which were also cheap so i was happy. so now you see i was quite happy with my self because i had succeeded in getting food. so then i went and checked out and was happy that it all came to a grand total of 71 kroon. i was worried it would be more.

so then i walk home singing that song "i feel good, and i knew that i would...". what? i was happy! and i go to put all the stuff away and see that we already had 20 more eggs...oops, guess that i didn't need to buy that. but everything else was good. so now i'm so happy and proud, but i have nothing else to write about so goodbye.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

oh my gosh...what an interesting set of events

ok, now i'll tell you about the yugioh tournament. so i go out and get my bike and the day is one of those beautiful spring days, and it had rained the day before so it had a very nice spring smell. so i got my bike and raced to get there on time because last week i got there late so my first match was counted as a automatic loss, so i wanted to be early this time. so i get there 5 minutes til and i sign up and i'm surprised to see that theres only 4 other people signed up for the tourney (i'm gonna use teen slang because i don't like typing tournament) so i went and talked with my friends, traded, and played a few games before it started. now right before it started we had to fill out these little sheets that made us official members of the league and it said that we were registering with upperdeck entertainment which is the company that makes the game so i can only assume that they get mailed these slips so they know if the games popular or not. so now i have a pretty little membership card, just one more thing to lose...ugh. so then it starts and since there where five people one of us got randomly chosen to get an automatic win, that was me. so instead i traded with the other people. let me explain, there are 2 types of people who come. there are the people who came to enter the tourney, and then there are those who come to trade, talk, and refine their skills. so theres always people standing around willing to play or trade. so i handed off my 2 decks of cards that i trade for people to look at and i trusted they'd be ok. at first this guy who i knew was looking at them and then he wanted to duel so he gave the cards to some other kid who wanted to look at them so we went and dueled and then i went in search of my cards. they were no where to be found. so i asked my friends (i feel very proud that i've actually made some friends) if they'd seen my cards and they sayed no, and to ask the people to who worked there to try and find my cards. so they asked everyone about my cards and no one (admitted they) knew where they were. i think someone there shoved my cards in thier backpack. but i just pushed that from my mind and didn't care.

the weekly routine started again. "i want mirror force!!", "i'll trade anything you want for mirror force", "look, i have all five pieces of exodia, i'll trade them all for mirror force" and then my resounding answer..."NO!!!!!". i have this card, mirror force, that i guess only came out in america or something and it seems to make people go crazy with desire for it. it's a pretty good card, but not as good as people treat it. and it's pretty rare, come to think of it i've never met anyone who has one except me. but the things these people are willing to trade for it is amazing. but this card is a staple in my deck, its important, i need it. and i got it from my friend nick in america so it has the tiniest bit of sentimental value. and so today i got sick of having people constantly ask me to trade it so i made a deal with them. i was willing to bet it on a match, i would give that card to who ever could beat me. but they in turn had to offer up cards if i won. so i had three people who were willing to try it. one guy offered a few good cards if i won, one guy offered a few more not quite as good cards if i won, and the last guy offered me a pile of ok cards if i won. i went with the last guy. so our bets where on the table and we played best 2 out of 3. the first game i lost, i was just so freaking out nervous about losing that i made idiot decisions. but then for the second match i decided that i already had had cards stolen and i wasn't about to lose another one. so i just pretended like it was a normal game and i blasted him in the second 2 games and walked away with a pocket full of new cards. so then i had fun having more people ask me for my mirror force and i found a guy who had pretty good cards and also had people bugging him for cards so we sat and joked around and laughed at the offers of the people who offered to trade with us. all in all it was a good time, if only my cards hadn't been stolen.

the people said that they've had problems with people stealing cards in the past and so i should just keep a better eye on my cards in ther future. so now i'm home and hungry so i'm gonna go have a sandwhich. Cya later.

who knows what today is...?

todays tuesday. do you know what happens on tuesdays? i go play yugioh and get my butt kicked. but not today, today i have refined my skills and i am not gonna lose. losing is not an option, i shall be victorious!!! or maybe i'll lose again. we'll see. what else happens today...nothing? yeah, nothing. nothing much happens today. i think i'll do some school work, thats always a good idea. and maybe something good is on tv tonight? i'll says theres 2 movies on tonight. 1 is called always and the other is called the president's man. any of you out there heard of them? i've never heard of them and i dont feel like doing a long search online so i guess i'll find out tonight. i'll probably just go to sleep rather than waste time on movies anyway. thats something i've learned in life, sleep is a valuable friend. more valuable then most movies anyway. let me see...i have nuthin to write about. let me see...i know, i 'll write about the days i didnt blog. i bet your all wondering what happened those days. actually your probably not but i'm gonna write about it anyway.

ok, on friday i went up to tallinn for mission team. this was the last mission team practice, so it was like the big huge last mission team practice. it was cool becuase we did this dance that the girls from narva teach us thats to like techno music or something so its all fast and stuff. and theres a lot of kicking, i love to kick ;-). so we did that and we did the line dance we do with anneli which is always fun because we all know it by now so we don't have to many mistakes. and we can do that dance to all sort of different kinds of music so we don't get bored of just that one song. so that was mission team. then after that, on sunday morning, i was sleeping on the wittenburgs couch and i wake up and i look on the other couch and sitting there staring at me was Evilin(Evilin is 16 and mind bogglingly georgous, just like every other girl in estonia)...wait, how'd she get there. she wasn't here last night, and she doesn't look like she just woke up, so where'd she come from? so i sit up and i just go "where'd you come from?". now if i was smart i would have said something cool like "are you a dream?" or "did i die and go to heaven in my sleep?" but when i first wake up i'm not smart, so i just sat there staring at her like i was afraid if i looked away she'd dissapear and i just kept asking where she came from. and between bursts of laughter at the look on my face she explained that major wittenburg had picked her up. so then after that fun start to the day i went to the corps (church) with them and played bongo with the band, and evilin played tamberine which was good because it either helpedme keep the beat or throw me of the beat, but it helped me stay on the beat more than it threw me off. and then after that i spent the afternoon with sarah and evilin we played super smash bros. on nintendo 64 and we also played golden eye 007 on the nintendo 64 which was fun because there is nothing more fun than playing a shooting game with 2 teenage girls. so hundreds of bullets and grenades later we went out for a walk and went to some park and talked about random stuff and then we went back and shot each other more. so that was a fun day.

oh and saturday night was me and meaghans midnight jam session which gave me and evilin the idea to start a band, me on drums (bongo or real drums, whatever we can get) evilin on piano, anneli on bass guitar, and meaghan on acoustic guitar. i think it's a cool idea, we'll see. and heres the coolest news i've hear in a loooong time. finland gave estonia a bass drum and a busted foot peddle!!! doesn't that sound exiting?!?! no?!?! well i'm not done yet, the foot peddle can be easyily fixed, we could even use duck tape to fix it, its that simple. and even though a bass drum on its own will sound awful the guy who owned the theater where we had our church opening had a drum kit that was missing a bass drum...tallinn has a bass drum missing everything else...hmmmmm, are you thinking what i'm thinking? let me see if we were able to put them together it would be the freakiest drum kit on the planet, but it would be better than nothing. let me explain why it would be freaky. the bass drum that tallinn has is a marching band bass drum that some genius stuck a foot peddle on (actually that was me, it didn't have the foot peddle on it until i put it there. but someone put them next to teach other) so because of that it doesn't have the things for holding up some of the drums, but we don't really need those drums all we need is the snare, bass, and highhats. oh yes, and that brings me to the snare, the snare is ripped, but it too can be fixed with duck tape. so all i need is a bunch of duck tape and i can turn this into a working drum kit, it won't be perfect but it will work. and the high hats are in good condition so we don't have to worry about that.

so ya that's all i have to write about for now, but i'll write more tonight, Cya.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

i'm in tallinn yet again....

i just finished mission team and now i 'm here at the wittenbergs (yet again). i really, really don't know what to write about...maybe stuff? let me see, i'm gonna tell you some interesting things. first, me and meaghan had a big music jam session thingy! she was on guitar and i was on the bongo. man that was good. we actually sounded good. can you believe it? now let me describe meaghan and then you might understand part of why this is so special. meaghan is a stunningly georgous, 16 year old, popular, american missionary's kid. and if you don't know me im a not quite atractive, fifteen year know me. so for once we were being friendsish, it was fun. you would think that since we're both american, both close in age, and both can play instruments together, that we should be friends. i can't say i'm opposed to the idea but meaghan...she's out of my league ;-). so ya, i was making beoutiful music with a 16 year old hot chick ;-). i'm actually really tired so i'll write more later. oh, and tommorow i'm taking anneli out to see a movie (the girls can't keep away...) so that should be fun. well good night.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

aw man!

i just got a bunch of cool Zits comics offline and was gonna put on my blog so you could read them but putting on pictures looks like to much work at the im gonna just have to tell you about my boring life. i never told you about teusday, on teusday i went to the yugioh club (yugioh is a card game) and got my butt kicked to 6th place but thats only cuz i was late so my first match was an automatic loss and then i let thos other 2 guys win because they looked like they could use a boost in confidence so i let them win ;). but that one guy...BAM!! he didnt know which way to turn, i beat him good. but i still won a booster pack, because they have a kinda door prize thing and i was lucky. so now im getting a reurn on my investment, i've spent 50 kroon on entrence fees (total) and i won a 65 kroon booster so im happy, and theres a lot more boosters where that came from and i plan to win from now on. no more boosting peoples confidence...

so now its thursday and tommorow im going to tallinn for mission team. its gonna be the last practice so this should be good, im gonna miss it once its over though...i really love going to this. but, after the practices now we're gonna do the actual stuff. we're gonna go out and do mission stuff. well im gonna go do schoolwork now so Cya.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

that was embarassing...

i just got back from the kolgata youth group and i feel like an idiot (maybe i am?). it was interesting as always, raido preached which was cool. and they had someone who already was being translated for so i didnt feel like a total loser. so it had the pottential to be pretty good but...i kept coughing! im am feeling not at all sick anymore except...i keep coughing! so ya, the thing starts and right at the begining i have to leave f0r a minute becuase i was coughing so bad. i got outside and im not wanting to leave so i do the first the that comes to mind...i shove a handful of snow in my mouth! now the only snow left is extremely nasty and dirty (and it tastes pretty bad to) but it made me stop coughing, so it was worth it. so i go back in and for almost the whole thing im fine. until the end, when people were giving thier testimonies. so this one guy is taking FOREVER, giving his testimony in estonian. and he also just so happened to be my translater, so that left me clueless. so im sitting the and i just have this sudden urge to cough, i just coudnt control it, so again i have to leave and shove snow in my mouth. this time i still felt like coughing but i didnt care. so i go back in and like 2 minutes later im coughing really bad again and i just knew i had to leave for good this time. so i left, and now im home feeling like an idiot. oh, but on my second time out to get snow kristi and mariliis waved at me really nicely (they didnt wave the first time cuz they weren't there yet) and so that made me happy. so i just made myself look like an idiot but at least i got 2 teenage girls waving at me as consolation, and you know, i think thats a good trade off. ;)

Monday, April 04, 2005


that title just about describes the last few days. you know why? I'VE BEEN WICKED SICK!!!!! UGH!!! nasty stuff!!! puking, coughing, falling asleep every 5 minutes only to be woken up by someone calling me to see if i was OK. oh the now i'm going to tell you about it in as little detail as possible. so on friday morning i was at the wittenbergs house in tallinn and i wake up and my stomach doesn't feel quite right, and im just like "dude, i can't be sick today, tonights 80s night and anneli was gonna take me shopping for eighty's clothes". so im just "ok, im gonna go to the bathroom", and BLLAAA, im sick!!! ok then, i can walk it off. so i go and just chill on the bed and the longer i think about it the more i realize i need to get home. i wasnt gonna be able to make it ot eighty's night. so i grabbed the next bus to tartu and slept the whole way there, then i believe it was mike schatzman (im sorry, forgive me if i dont remember but i could barely stand up, how was i supposed to recognise people) picked me up and dropped me off at my house so then the whole rest of the night i puked, watched TV, and slept as much as i wanted. so then next day, saturday, i watched crap TV and sat around and slept and puked and all that. and at some point the got me some medicine and ginger ale and stuff (thank you so much!! i swear that stuff saved my life!!) and then later anneli called me and asked me where i was and why i wasn't at 80s night (she had organized it so it would have been nice if i came...) and when i told it was cuase i was sick she got all worried and told me to go to the docter and she told me i had to eat and she totally went into worried girl mode. so i told her i'd be ok and everything and she told me to get better and all that. and that was that, but, i dunno about other people but haveing anneli be all worried about me really made me happy, and it wasn't just the fact that shes a goergous 16 year old girl. her caring that i was sick sorta made me remember, "hey chris, you got some good friends out there who care about you, you don't gotta worry about nothing". so thank you, that made me happy. and since "DR. Anneli" told me to eat i stood up (something i hadn't done for hours) and got my self a good huge bowl of cereal with milk, ate it, felt much happier, and went to sleep.

so next day, sunday, i wake at 4:00 in the morning and i felt aweful, so i did the obvious thing, i went back to sleep. so then i woke up at 8:00 (much better) and there was this show that looked like power rangers except for all girls and they all seemed to be fond jumping through holes with things exploding behind them. and the main character was blond in both hair color and the way she acted. so that was very...interesting? and then there was this show called "jack of all trades" which at first i could swear was one of those saturday morning things they show on TV to kids in america. OH MY GOD WAS I WRONG!! i thought it was hilarious, but i'm not sure what the parents of young children would think. so after watching crap TV i had nothing to do so i decided to play some 007 on n64. now for those of you familiar with this game (maybe one one or to of you, or none) you will understand that it was fun playing this game because i haven't played this since i was 8, but for you people who know nothing about this game i will explain. this is a dementedly violent game in which 007 (you) shoots stuff, and blows up stuff, and basically makes a mess. normally i don't go in for that type of game, i prefer to not check my brain at the door. i like strategy games where you think your skull off, not shoot games where you get it shot of. but, meaghan wittenberg has informed me that she is good at this game, now i have no clue why but girls have amazing gaming reflexes, so playing a shooting game with a girl is like...well like playing a shooting game with a girl! and so i am going to need practice! so i i've been playing this game and i've been completely getting my butt kicked by computers so meaghan should definetly be a challenge.

ok i got sidetracked there, video games do that you know? so ok then, at around 10:30 i had gone to sleep with my head under a thick black blanket, at around 12:30 kerli and tõnise came to check on me and when they rang the door bell i was still asleep and it scared me so bad that i jumped up and ran to the door, the jumping up and running made me nausaus. then i had been asleep under a black blanket so my eyes weren't used to the light so i was blinded by the bright light almost fell over, making me more nausaus. so i get to the door, open it, and look like im dead. they were coming to check on me and see if i needed anything so i said i needed some sort of chicken noodle soup thing so well they went to the store puked and faught the horrible nausau this whole thing had caused. then they brought me the stuff and i was actually quite thankful for it becuase i was starving. so like a half hour later küldar (the estonian guy staying with me) came home and made me the stuff which was delicious and filled me up nicely. so after that i just started feeling better and better. and then legally blond was on TV so i watched that and i wish i had a penny for every time i said "oh my god, thats so stupid". that movie was funny, but very blond. so then i went to bed.

and now, monday, IT'S A PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm feeling betterish, i'm still coughing a lot, and my nose is still running all over (maybe i should go catch it?;).) but i'm feeling better, so i'm gonna party. i'm alone in the house so i can have music up wicked loud (and i do) and i'm just gonna party all day, and yes, i'm gonna do school work to. so i'm gonna party, Cya!!
