Monday, April 04, 2005


that title just about describes the last few days. you know why? I'VE BEEN WICKED SICK!!!!! UGH!!! nasty stuff!!! puking, coughing, falling asleep every 5 minutes only to be woken up by someone calling me to see if i was OK. oh the now i'm going to tell you about it in as little detail as possible. so on friday morning i was at the wittenbergs house in tallinn and i wake up and my stomach doesn't feel quite right, and im just like "dude, i can't be sick today, tonights 80s night and anneli was gonna take me shopping for eighty's clothes". so im just "ok, im gonna go to the bathroom", and BLLAAA, im sick!!! ok then, i can walk it off. so i go and just chill on the bed and the longer i think about it the more i realize i need to get home. i wasnt gonna be able to make it ot eighty's night. so i grabbed the next bus to tartu and slept the whole way there, then i believe it was mike schatzman (im sorry, forgive me if i dont remember but i could barely stand up, how was i supposed to recognise people) picked me up and dropped me off at my house so then the whole rest of the night i puked, watched TV, and slept as much as i wanted. so then next day, saturday, i watched crap TV and sat around and slept and puked and all that. and at some point the got me some medicine and ginger ale and stuff (thank you so much!! i swear that stuff saved my life!!) and then later anneli called me and asked me where i was and why i wasn't at 80s night (she had organized it so it would have been nice if i came...) and when i told it was cuase i was sick she got all worried and told me to go to the docter and she told me i had to eat and she totally went into worried girl mode. so i told her i'd be ok and everything and she told me to get better and all that. and that was that, but, i dunno about other people but haveing anneli be all worried about me really made me happy, and it wasn't just the fact that shes a goergous 16 year old girl. her caring that i was sick sorta made me remember, "hey chris, you got some good friends out there who care about you, you don't gotta worry about nothing". so thank you, that made me happy. and since "DR. Anneli" told me to eat i stood up (something i hadn't done for hours) and got my self a good huge bowl of cereal with milk, ate it, felt much happier, and went to sleep.

so next day, sunday, i wake at 4:00 in the morning and i felt aweful, so i did the obvious thing, i went back to sleep. so then i woke up at 8:00 (much better) and there was this show that looked like power rangers except for all girls and they all seemed to be fond jumping through holes with things exploding behind them. and the main character was blond in both hair color and the way she acted. so that was very...interesting? and then there was this show called "jack of all trades" which at first i could swear was one of those saturday morning things they show on TV to kids in america. OH MY GOD WAS I WRONG!! i thought it was hilarious, but i'm not sure what the parents of young children would think. so after watching crap TV i had nothing to do so i decided to play some 007 on n64. now for those of you familiar with this game (maybe one one or to of you, or none) you will understand that it was fun playing this game because i haven't played this since i was 8, but for you people who know nothing about this game i will explain. this is a dementedly violent game in which 007 (you) shoots stuff, and blows up stuff, and basically makes a mess. normally i don't go in for that type of game, i prefer to not check my brain at the door. i like strategy games where you think your skull off, not shoot games where you get it shot of. but, meaghan wittenberg has informed me that she is good at this game, now i have no clue why but girls have amazing gaming reflexes, so playing a shooting game with a girl is like...well like playing a shooting game with a girl! and so i am going to need practice! so i i've been playing this game and i've been completely getting my butt kicked by computers so meaghan should definetly be a challenge.

ok i got sidetracked there, video games do that you know? so ok then, at around 10:30 i had gone to sleep with my head under a thick black blanket, at around 12:30 kerli and tõnise came to check on me and when they rang the door bell i was still asleep and it scared me so bad that i jumped up and ran to the door, the jumping up and running made me nausaus. then i had been asleep under a black blanket so my eyes weren't used to the light so i was blinded by the bright light almost fell over, making me more nausaus. so i get to the door, open it, and look like im dead. they were coming to check on me and see if i needed anything so i said i needed some sort of chicken noodle soup thing so well they went to the store puked and faught the horrible nausau this whole thing had caused. then they brought me the stuff and i was actually quite thankful for it becuase i was starving. so like a half hour later küldar (the estonian guy staying with me) came home and made me the stuff which was delicious and filled me up nicely. so after that i just started feeling better and better. and then legally blond was on TV so i watched that and i wish i had a penny for every time i said "oh my god, thats so stupid". that movie was funny, but very blond. so then i went to bed.

and now, monday, IT'S A PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm feeling betterish, i'm still coughing a lot, and my nose is still running all over (maybe i should go catch it?;).) but i'm feeling better, so i'm gonna party. i'm alone in the house so i can have music up wicked loud (and i do) and i'm just gonna party all day, and yes, i'm gonna do school work to. so i'm gonna party, Cya!!


Anonymous said...

Chris, so sorry you have been so sick, and alone. You have dealt with it so well. Sarah, Jacob and Emma are all home sick today. Poor Emma had the same awefull "bathroom" type sickness,and it has taken all of her energy. We are praying for you, and can certainly empathise. See you in a couple days. Susan

Anonymous said...

this is yr favorite aunt.I wont identify myself, don't want 2 make others jealous. Your cousins D and D slept over, along with the e bomb. All I can say is - they were blasting all night, couldn't sleep, giggling, on purpose! U may be suffering there, but at least it's for a different reason.

love u.