Monday, April 25, 2005

(i have 2 titles for this) it's been like a week right? (or) the road less traveled by

sorry i haven't written in so long i've just been kinda busy. having my parents get back i've had a lot going on. but right now i'm gonna write about that, right now i'm gonna write about what i was just thinking about. note:this will not be like my (now famous) "i was just thinking...." blog entry, so it should be logical.

for school i'm reading this book of poems written by robert frost, some famous poet or other, you know? and this one peom sorta stood out, it's called "the road not taken". so now i'm gonna let you read it.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler; long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other; as just as fair;
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, i kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if i should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

isn't that cool? normally i don't really like poetry but this poem i liked. it made me think of myself. i mean if i look at my life i almost always have taken the road less traveled by. the only other person i know who comes close to being in the same situation as me is meaghan wittenberg. i mean seriously, how many people can say that thier parents are missionary's with the salvation army in estonia? how many people can say they've moved to a foriegn country they'd never even heard of at 14? how many poeple can say they've heard drunk guys walking on the street yelling in at least 2 languages? that is like the ultimate road less traveled by, and i'm quite sure it does make all the difference. this one move, these last 10 months have changed me so much, have completely made all the difference.

wow, that sounded really deep and thoughtful. i was gonna end this post there but i don't want to sound really deep and thoughtful. i know!! i'm gonna write a list of things i miss now that my parents are back and things that make me happy thier back.

things i miss: playing my music as loud as i want. when they were gone i could have my CD player in the basement going full blast playing skillet and be sitting by the computer upstairs hearing it, can't do that anymore. playing video game as much as i want, i never wrote this but...i had to video game binges when my parents were gone. that means roughly 8 hours of nonstop video games only stoping to eat and use the bathroom, that takes skill man. staying up as late as i want and getting up whenever i want. sometimes i'd go to bed at 2 in the morning and sometimes i'd wake up at lunch time, i just did whatever. and when i was in tallinn, waking up and seeing 2 zombified teenage girls (when they'd wake up they were as bad as i was. i swear no matter what i said first thing in the morning i'd get "huh?" as my reply), that was hilariously funny. and i really miss spending time with my friends, the only time i spend time with people my age in tartu is at yugioh and at youth groups, and since i don't speak estonian theres not to much of a conversation going on.

ok, things i missed and am now happy my parents are back for: i don't have to cook anymore! eating sandwhiches over and over was aweful. since my parents are back i have real motivation to get things, like schoolwork, done. i din't really have motivation before. and i missed peter, that is a definite. theres nothing better than having a baby fall asleep on your shoulder, it really is the coolest thing. and i just missed having my family around, it's nice to have time alone but its nice to be with my family to.

well, i think thats it, so Cya.


Kapten Clark said...

I love you, Chris!


Anonymous said...

See, now that is what my life would be like if I had my way. Too bad my parents are hyper and insist on this whole "school" thing... I think I'll convince my parents to move to Estonia too. Find a nice house for us or something.