Thursday, January 19, 2006

It-it-it's ss-s-so c-c-cold!!!

h-hey, it's f-freezing c-cold h-here. i'm sh-shivering. and i'll stop typing my shivering because it's annoying. this morning i woke and looked at the thermometer and saw something terrifying, -27 degrees celcius!! talk about cold!! that's like -13 fareinheit!! geez it is cold!! now normally that would be nothing, if i were in america we would have a nice warm, well insulated house. and we'd have a warm, well heated van as a bonus. but here we have a fairly nice house, but if you walk about to any crack you mind as well be sticking your hand out the window! the house let's in all the cold!! and forget the windows, they mind as well be wide open with a fan next to them for all the good they do! and right here as i'm blogging i'm right up against a window, wearing a a hat and a jacket to keep from freezing. the only problem is i have nothing to warm my fingers that doesn't restrict my movement, so like i can't type with gloves on, and i can't keep warm fingers and type at the same time. so basicly to bring you this blog post i am freezing my fingers off, you guys better be thankful!!! everyone say thank you chris....or not, if you want. what ever.

so anyway theres not much to blog about besides that it's cold, so i'm gonna just tell you about my thoughts recently. lately i've been feeling very depressed, unsatisfied and discontented. no this is not going to be a very depressing post. and no i'm not going to be like the robot from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy ("i think you should know i'm feeling very depressed today"). i just wanted to give you my stupid thoughts. lately i've been just feeling unhappy, like i want something. and therefore i have been trying very hard to find what it is. some times i've thought i should play new video games, and believe it or not even that got old after a while. then i thought maybe i need to listen to some new music, nope, not helping. then i thought maybe i need a girlfriend, i entertained that thought for around thirty seconds before reminding myself that having a girlfriend has never been a good thing in the past and most definitely won't be now. then i sat back and i got a picture in my mind that seemed to fit what i wanted. i now know what i want, there is one thing i want, one thing i would give anything for, that thing is this: i want to take off my socks and slippers, my hat, sweater, and warm fleeces, and i want to run out side bare foot and in a T-shirt. that's all i want in life at the moment. now of course i could do that right now, but i would get frostbite. so for now i need to sustain myself with video games, music, and, well, music and video games. so now i think i'm gonna go and do schoolwork, or play with andrei, ehtel, and elizabeth, whatever, i just need to get away from this cold computer, Cya.

from freezing cold Estonia with lots and lots of cold, cold love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The girls name is Etthel and -27 celcius is -16.6 fareinheit..