Monday, March 27, 2006

All hail Chris, the amazing translater!!

Move over girls there's a new translater now, ME!! i was going to blog more about english camp but i just decided i don't have the energy, so i'll either do it tommorow or some other time. but now i want to tell you the story of why i, Chris Clark, am the amazing translater. so today, around two hours ago i was down stairs chilling on the couch talking with my mom waiting for my dad to get off the computer so i could blog. and as i was talking with my mom i noticed one of our homeless friends, Andreas, coming up to the door, so we went, said hi, how you doing and all that good stuff until he got to the point. "ma vajan sada krooni" "i need a hundred kroon" and after asking what for, and everything we found out our other friend, Üle, was waiting outside and needed the money to get medicine for her back, which hurt. so my mom went out to talk to her and invite her in and then my challenge began. i instantly became my dad personal translater, translating anything and everything that needed translation. and then my mom came back in with Üle and she resumed speaking in estonian and canceling out the need for translation. mostly. my mom talks really slow in estonian because she thinks her whole sentence out because she doesn't want to get anything wrong. now as a slanged up teenager i know that there's not a huge difference between "i have" and "i got" and between "i do" and "i does" so i don't worry so much about mistakes and therefore talk much faster than my mom. and so after a minute Andreas just said "Chris, tõlgi!" or whatever, meaning, "Chris, translate" which indicated that he prefered my translation.


thank you, thank you. you're far to kind. i already know i'm the best. so then we offered to drive them to the apteek in raekoja plats to get the medicine, to which they graciously accepted. so as we were in the car i translated some more and they told us they needed 150 kroon (did that price jump 50 kroon or am i imagining things?) for the medicine. so we drove to the apteek and we were just about to go in when Andreas held back. now he told me (please note anything said by them is in estonian and i had to translate, making me the best translater) that the prescription was at the place where they were living and we had to go get it, ok, whatever. might have been helpful info before but no problem. so we drove them home and then they decided that they'd just stay home and put a compress on it or something (compliment me for understanding everything) and so we went home having done nothing, hmm, interesting how they really only wanted cash though....suspicious but anyway. i'm done now. i'm gonna go watch "born free". i know nothing about this movie, my grnd introduction to it was "it was really popular during the 70s" which, just as a little hint to all you old geezers, is not a great way to get me interested in anything, anyway Cya!!!


pia said...

good 4 u;)

Anonymous said...

Great job!!!I always thought that one of the Clark boys is going to leave me out of work, but i thought that it was going to be Peter, but now it seemes that it is going to be you. Well anyways, next time you translate the meeting. :D