Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Passport? Nah, who needs one of those? (ME!)

"Crap, where's my passport?!?!" that was what i yelled yesterday as i was just about to check in my luggage at logan airport. after standing in line for at least an hour i had finally caught up to the front of the line and was about to go through when i noticed something. something was missing...could it be my...PASSPORT!!! crap, crap, crap, crap, anyway, i'll tell you yesterday's story from the beggining, not the end. by the way, here's a joke for ya. where in the bible does it talk about baseball? genesis 1:1 "in the big inning..." hahaha, LAME-O!! sorry. i love my jokes. so in the big inningm or beginning, of my day i woke up on the couch at my uncle andy's house going "aghahgahg!! let me sleep a little more..." which of course my aunt didn't let me do, so i got up, showered, clothed and packed. well actually, my aunt packed most of my stuff. that's what i love about being here, i don't have to do anything. but anyway, we finally got out the door and started the long trip to logan airport. from Sanford ME to Boston MA. it was fun, me and my aunt talked about all sorts of junk, payed for almost all the tolls with my uncle's EZ-pass, and just had fun. we then got to the airport in high spirits, ready for adventure. and of course when i go somewhere ready for adventure i find it! i had hoped for nothing more exciting then having to run across the runway, jump on a plane and smash a side window in order to jump in and get a good window seat. either that or single handedly fighting off an army of terrorists. but sadly, neither one happened. instead i got in line and waited, and waited, and waited some more. for a little while i waited alone because my aunt was in the bathroom, which was an adventure in itself for her because just finding it was a challenge. so as i waited i listened to nightwish. i mean, come on, if 'm gonna live across from finland i better study up on their coolest band (BOO to H.I.M., YAY to NightWish!! I LOVE TARJA TURUNEN!!) and plus they have some great travel songs, "The Wayfarer" and "Wanderlust" are awesome. and i must admit, i am a victim of so called "Wanderlust". i hate staying in one city/state/province/country/planet for to long. it makes me nuts. that's why i need to move to pluto, boldly go where no crazy teenage salvo has gone before!

anyway, now that i'm off topic i think i might go back to my story., i'm in line waiting and then my aunt comes back and i turn off my NightWish (awww) and we chat and since she's traveled all over everywhere since before i was born and is the queen of travel she has a few tricks up her sleeves. my aunt is so cool...but anyway, so we put my luggage off to the side while i waited in line which your not technically allowed to do but hey, they don't say you can't they just don't say you can. just like no one told me not to use to much italics. but anyway, italics are fun. so then now with my luggage off to the side and me keeping a nice eye on them me and my aunt were free to talk and move through the line without haveing to push heavy bags through with us. so as we were deep in discussion about different things, swapping travel stories, joking and laughing i we weren't paying much attention and i'm not sure if we acutally did cut some lady or not, we were being pretty careless and without bags in a line full of people with big bags it's easy to cut without noticing if you're not paying attention. so maybe we did, maybe we didn't but some lady freaked, saying "you cut me, ROAR!! BLA BLA EVIL WORDS!! ANGRY FACE!!" and like i said my aunt is tough and cool and she wasn't about to take that. i would have backed down partly because i'm a wimp and partly because only an idiot fights in an airport. so my aunt and this random lady had world war 3, 4 and 5 in 10 minutes and of course my aunt come out the victor. no one messes with the women in my family. i've been living with my mom for 16 years and spent tons of time with my aunts and no one, i repeat NO ONE can take them down. believe me, i've tried.

now that me and my aunt were all stressed from all the fighting my aunt turned to me and said "Chris, we're almost to the end of the line, get your tickets and passport out" "...ummm...CRAP!" passport? do i really need that? i mean come on...please...passport? where are you!! so since i couldn't find my passport me and my aunt tore apart my three bags right in the middle of the airport. no passport. we called my aunt and uncle who i'd been staying with, they tore apart the house, no passport. we tore apart everything we could tear apart and still...NO PASSPORT! so the unthinkable happened. i missed my flight. i told the people at the desk i didn't have passport and they said no passport no flight (duh) but because of all the terrorist crap that's happening with British Airways they are allowing people to change their flights for free until september 1st. so i'm getting brand new tickets for friday. crap. not when i wanted to be flying but hey, that was the best i could do. oh yeah. and i found the passport in my aunts glove compartment (in the car that we didn't drive that day. crap.) so i have my passport and i will be back and jet lagged in Estonia by sunday. and that's definite. i hope. anyway i want to throw out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Liis Yprus because friday was supposed to be her birthday party, but since i'm gonna be in the air on friday it will be very hard to come. sorry Liis! i'll see you soon! but anyway, i need to go now, i'll see you all soon. and keep reading my blog becausei still haven't written much about battle school or my other travel adventures yet. but anyway, until then, TSAU!!


S.A Kristie said...

hehehe. i got a good laugh out of this one. Glad you found your passport tho! you are funny chis!

Artemis said...

Bummer. But i'm glad you found it. Its great talking to you always (as i am doing it right now!) lol

God bless
