Monday, August 01, 2011

Old Orchard Beach and Life and Stuff

Well, as expected, my last blog post did come across as somewhat more incendiary than necessary. I really haven't figured out how to write, or talk, about politics well. I will someday. For now I hope that at least some people got something out of it. I remember when I was in Estonia and blogging much more consistently that some young Americans I knew back in America were forbidden to read my blog by their parents because of how offensive I come across. Oh well, you win some, you lose some, you irreversibly alienate and make enemies of some. So it goes, say Kurt Vonnegut and I.

Anyway, now that I've blogged once it's like some sort of writing Cocaine and I feel all-powerful and like I should just keep going. Also, like a Cocaine high it doesn't last very long so I need to keep doing MASSIVE amounts, like Scarface or something.

Anyway, here's what I've been up to lately. My internship is all done, which is great because it means I can focus on other things. So this past weekend I was down in Old Orchard Beach (OOB, which always seems slightly dirty...) for Salvation Army Camp Meetings. It was a really good time. Jenny got to be exposed to a million people in uniforms (again) and I got to see a bunch of people who have known me since I was a fetus and who, seeing as how I was so fetal, I don't remember at all. I always feel awkward in those situations...

Anyway, it was really great. I liked the main speaker, Oscar Roan, a lot. But even more than that I really enjoyed hearing from some really cool Salvationists, like Commissioner James Knaggs (who has a surprisingly big Wikipedia Article.) It was quite a good time. I also bought the new book by Knaggs and Major Stephen Court, who I knew in Vancouver. It's called One For All and it's really cool. I haven't really looked at it much, but it's really cool. It's like 3 books in one, and the first book is a collection of essays from a whole bunch of different Salvationists. This is one book I am very excited to read.

So, that's really all I had to write about...FOR NOW! But I would like to write about Psalm 103 (super great) and David Foster Wallace (My long haired writing idol) at some point. But right now I need to go see the Lego creations Jenny and Peter are building together.

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