Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Super Roth Bros. and facing off against temptation.

Lately I’ve been facing some really big temptation. There was one huge thing in particular that’s been really tempting me. And it was something I want SO BAD! So I thought about it. And I rationalized. And I gave in. But one thing saved me. October Break. During October Break I’ve been so sad because so many of my friends have left. And more specifically, all my girls had left! The only friends I had left were some of the guys on my floor who stayed. I was slightly saddened, but I’m tight with the guys on my floor, so we’ve been having a great time. And with the friends (and girls) left this particular temptation. I had rationalized why this was okay for me, okay in this case, why this wasn’t sin. Why this was good! I had so many reasons. So many rationalizations. But I still couldn’t convince myself. Even when I thought I was convinced I still had a nagging voice in the back of my head that I couldn’t shut up. And two final things convinced me. First of all, my Amaranth. Those of you who have been reading my blog for a long time know what I’m talking about. Someday it will be worth it, for my Amaranth. The second thing that convinced me is the brothers on my floor. Staying on my floor over October Break was Brian, Garrett, Steve and Dave (who actually didn’t stay for all of break). And being the Christian brothers that we are we’ve been chilling a lot together. Of course we’ve done the typical guy things, soccer on the quad and video games galore (we ARE the Super Smash Bros.!), but on the first day of October Break we were talking about what to do when Brian came up with a crazy idea. What do college students do over break? Do crazy, unhealthy things and party! But what do us crazy Houghton kids do? We were sitting at the table when Brian leaned forward and said, “Hey guys, let’s have a BIBLE STUDY!!” And yes, he was serious. So everyday over October Break we’ve gotten together, opened our Bibles to James and had some hardcore Bible study. We’ve been discussing James because it says some hard hitting and challenging things. And it’s been really good. We’ve had some great discussion, and it’s been a great time for us to bond.

So today I went to church, looked on the program and saw that I was down to give my testimony. I love it when I get surprises like that! So I quickly decided to talk about my brothers on my floor and Proverbs 27:17, which says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Which is basically what we’ve been doing. All of October Break I’d been kind of weighed down by this temptation that I was planning to give into, and I don’t think anyone has really noticed much. But my (non-biological) big sister Emily notices things. And she noticed I had something on my mind. So I was thinking about it as I gave my testimony and I realized something. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” I knew I was being tempted. And I knew that giving in was sin. But even then I didn’t know what to do. And then I remembered I have my way out. God has provided me with many ways out. Emily gave me a chance to confess that I was tempted and was needing to ask for help. That was a way out. Then there’s the guys on my floor, and my R.A., they’re my way out. So now I’m on my way back home and when I get back to my dorm, I’ll talk to the guys, and they’ll help me. I’m so glad God helps me out. And I’m so grateful I have these people here for me.

So anyway, please pray for me. Because I was badly tempted, and I still am tempted. But I have found a way out. Thank you for your prayers. Until next time, Cya!


Kapten Clark said...

"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"

Kapten Clark said...

For some reason, I thought this said, "Super Roth EROS"! :-O