Thursday, March 19, 2009

A little of what I've learned this semester...

This semester has taught me something. I am not stupid. I am smart. I can do anything I can put my mind to. Therefore, the problem is not what I can do, but what I’m willing to put the effort into. This semester I have all good grades. My lowest is a B. Except for the on class where I have an F. What is the difference between the classes where I do well and the class where I’m failing? Is this class so much more difficult? Are all my classes this semester really easy? No, neither of those. Actually, the class I have an F in is arguably the easiest class I have this semester. It’s a P.E. class! The reason I’m failing is that this class is SO easy that I don’t feel like putting in the minimal effort that is required. Not to worry though, nothing motivates me much more than the fear of failure. I had to drop a class last semester, I refuse to do that again. So I’m already not failing anymore thanks to my awesomeness, I just need to stay consistent with not spiting this class and I’ll do pretty well. I think that’s my real problem. I take classes personally, and if I don’t like them I’ll do things just to spite them. Or if I love them, such as with my writing class, I’ll start researching the topic for my paper a month and a half before it’s due. What this means then is that I need to be careful to try to choose classes I can enjoy and love, and also make sure that if and when I do have to take a class that I don’t like I won’t spite it. Because I look back on last semester and I realize I could have done so much better, but it was my first semester and I had no idea what I was doing. Now this is my second semester and I’m doing an okay job making up for last semester, and I’m learning a lot, about myself, about school and also the stuff I’m supposed to be learning from classes. My writing has definitely improved. I read my writing from last semester and scoff, how could I, the great Chris Clark, have once written like that? Maybe I should try looking at my first few blogs posts and see how bad I once was…

Anyway, I need to be off to my Presentational Speaking class which I have an A in. I hope you’re glad that I’ve blogged. I really am. It’s been too long. I have another post that I wrote earlier but I’m waiting to ask approval before I put it up. Anyway, I must be off now. Cya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That happened to me - I took Music Appreciation for an easy A, but never studied so I ended up with a B. Bleh.