Wednesday, April 13, 2005

i feel so proud.....

i've been putting off shopping for the last 2 and a half weeks. i haven't wanted to have to go shopping so i've been eating whatever i could find in the house, like sandwhiches, and more sandwhiches, and more....etc. so i was wicked sick of sandwhiches and i was out of bread anyway so i decided i'm gonna have to go shopping. so i got my money and went out to rimi. it's nice because the grocery store is like a 2 minute walk from my house so i knew i could buy as much as i needed and not have to worry about carrying it forever. so i went in there and i had a plan...cereal for breakfast tommorow, more lunch meat and bread for sandwhiches for lunch (i guess i'm not that sick of sandwhiches), pizza for supper tonight, and eggs for supper tommorow. and then on friday i go to tallinn so i don't have to worry about food. so i go in, grab one of those carrying things, and go get bread. it wasn't even 10 kroon, i was happy. so then i go to get lunch meat, they had this stuff that i used to have in america thats like balogna with pickles and peppers in it or something and i love that and it was one of the cheapest things there, 8 some kroon, so i got it and was happy. then i got the cereal, they had honey nut cheerios which made me happy, and it was one kroon cheaper than the other cereal so i was even more happy. then i went to get pizza and there were a few kinds, so i got the cheapest and was happy. now i went to get eggs which were also cheap so i was happy. so now you see i was quite happy with my self because i had succeeded in getting food. so then i went and checked out and was happy that it all came to a grand total of 71 kroon. i was worried it would be more.

so then i walk home singing that song "i feel good, and i knew that i would...". what? i was happy! and i go to put all the stuff away and see that we already had 20 more eggs...oops, guess that i didn't need to buy that. but everything else was good. so now i'm so happy and proud, but i have nothing else to write about so goodbye.

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