Thursday, April 14, 2005

i just got the greatest idea ever!!!

i just got this idea, this divine inspiration, that i just have to tell you about!! i was looking through one of my gamepro magazine's (a gaming magazine that tells you stuff about video games) and i noticed somethings. first of all, the majority of games that were in there and that had a lot written about them were the games that would probably be offensive to many christians (such as darkwatch, grand theft auto, blood rayne, and resident evil. and even fable if you think about it). the type of games that christians would just not play. and i thought to myself "where have the morals of the gaming industry gone? oh wait, the gaming in dustry never had morals. but why do people play games like resident evil when they could tone it down a bit and go for some of the other shooters out there, theres so many". and then it hits me, why do people play these games? because these are the ones that get advertised. these are the ones they know about. and i thought "wouldn't it be nice if there were christians out there who wrote game reviews that said things beside 'video games are evil!!! never let your kids play video games!!!'". and it hit me, i play video games, as in lots of video games. and i already write online on a regular basis so why not start a second blog that would have game reviews on it? well why not? no reason really. so then i was hit with this great idea, i shall start another blog and it shall be "the christian progamer" (i think that sounds cool, don't you?) and it will be like my own little gaming magazine online. maybe no one will read it, but i'll enjoy it and maybe if someone does read it they will enjoy it and get some good insight into video games. and for those people who play video games they can read my reviews and decide what games to buy based on my reviews.

so now i will go and creat this gaming blog, and i shall write reviews on many games. and if you play video games you can read it as a gamer and that should be enjoyable. and if you have kids who play video games or even if you know people who play video games (like if your a corps officer and you have a hard core gamer in your corps) then you could read this to find out stuff about the games. ok so now i'm gonna go make that and then i'm gonna put a link to it on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea. They may send you free games as a reviewer... send the more violent ones to me, you don't want to get offended..... XOXOXO