Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm sorry i haven't blogged in forever!! Been really, really busy!! But this i just HAVE to write about.

today i woke up around 7:30 then spent half an hour trying to fall back to sleep. then at 8 i gave up and came upstairs to go to the bathroom. while in the bathroom was looking at the "Salvationist" magazine in there that our cool regional commanders, the tyrrells, gave us and i noticed something, there was an article about Estonia!! and not just that, it was about the time the black pool songsters visited (i didn't like them much, far too british ;-)) and we had the võru corps opening. now i think that's pretty cool that we got even a quarter page article in a 24 page magazine. but as i read this article i was appalled to see how many errors were in that quarter page of writing. now may i point out this happened last year too, when we had the Tartu corps opening. the good corps opening. MY corps opening. there was a nice little article, i think even longer than this one, but it was so chocked full of crappy untruths that i was quite unhappy with whoever wrote it for quite a few days. but i never did anything to correct those errors. so now, if you just so happen to have a copy of a May 2006 "Salvationist" magazine then let me point out the mistakes on page six, i was there, i know what happened. the group did NOT carry out a so called "programme" at "kopgata" church, to my knowldge there is no such place. it was at kolgata church, duh. please check your spelling. i mean come on, "P" and "L" aren't even that close!! and also just a minor makes no sense to say "this preceded a visit to tartu, where the group carried out a programme at kopgata church (spelling...), when they were met by tartu corps officers Evelyn and Timothy Clark." wait a minute, don't you mean "where they were met by"? jeeze, and i thought i had a lot of typos...moving on. võru, just so that you all might know, is not all that close to that latvian border. well, it's closer than tartu but farther than valga. i would not say close to latvian border, i would say mid estonia. so there's another strike for you, man who is thier editor? they should hire me!! ;-) and also, though it was nice of you to give tartu credit for other people's work that is a little something called being dishonest, and i believe in giving credit where it's due. it says here "...young people from tartu and kopli, who presented dance and mime depicting the easter story." whoa, hold on there. young people from tartu? dance and mime? not yet, if i was still going to be living here in 3 months i'd be working on that but...anyway so tartu did not dance, neither did we mime, we watched and i became a human coat rack for the dancers stuff (quite a fun job actually seeing as how the dancers where girls) and it was Narva and Kopli corps that danced and mimed, because for some odd reson they have a wealth of teenage girls. and you should not say young people from kopli, because kopli is not a city, not a town, it is just a samll part of Tallinn city and i doubt that barely anyone in that group was actually from kopli, better to say from tallinn. and also Captain Ave Kalme is NOT the first women officer to be commisioned in estonia, she is in fact the first officer of any sex to be commisioned since we were allowed back in ten years ago (darn soviets kicked us out...) and that is all the little errors i can find. so anyway i am quite annoyed with publications because it says right in the bible (luke 16:10) "unless you are faithful in small articles in small magazines about small coutries, you won't be faithful in large ones." well i'm pretty sure that's what it says, because wasn't jesus talking about magazines? well anyway i'm gonna move on before i get beat up for blasphemy.

so anyway now it's official, well it already was but not it's just a few days away, on friday i leave on the boat to go to helsinki to fly to london to fly to boston to spend a week chilling with family and running around america to see everyone and then off from boston to chicago to vancouver. whew, lots of flying. anyway so just wanted to let everyone know that i'm going, and when i get back i won't live in tartu anymore, i'll live in tallinn. part of me doesn't want to leave tartu, tartu feels so much more like home than anywhere in america ever did. and i'm not sure i want to leave to go to the big capital city. but i have a few ideas of how i can survive it, i'm thinking i might try writing artcles for YS (young salvationist) i mean hey, i've done it before. so why not again, and then instead of blowing the money on video games and yugioh cards i'll blow it on bus tickets to tartu and lunches at 7 päeva, which neither of those is expensive so...yeah, sounds good. and also i can apparently get money for putting other people's adds on my blog and make money that way but i want to ask all you firstm would you be offended if i had adds on my blog? i would still write about my life and cool stuff but there will just be little adds in the corner begging you to click them. so give me some feedback on some good get money quick schemes, i just think i'll play to my strenghs and do some writing and stuff with my blog. but anyway one more thing before i go...

Wierd Al Yankovic? come on, of course a guy as cool as me will listen to someone as cool as him. i mean come on, pretty fly for a rabbi rocks!! but at the moment i am only slightly mad at him because i have been privately working on my own comedy version of james blunt's already hilarious song "you're beautiful" and i had really gotten quite far with my version (with the working title of "i'll kill you") and he stole the chance from me with his parody entitled "you're pitiful" why didn't i think of that? duh!! how dumb am i?? and he added such cool stuff! you know how for some strange reason james blunt (that big joker) comes in a little early with "my life is briliant..."? well wierd al does the same thing but adds a little "huh? was that too early? sorry, you wanna start over?" which just adds to the coolness (i never would have thought of that!! *kicking myself*) and then the la la la part he goes "la la la loser!!" which is just soooo cool. but anyway i'm wicked jealous because i thought my little version rocked too, but whatever. so now i got to go. Cya!!


S.A Kristie said...

you are right chris. It makes me mad too when i read mistakes like that.. they should check better..

praying for you and your trip!

Kapten Clark said...

I am sure that any typos, misspellings, or inaccuracies in Chris's post were put there deliberately in order to emphasize his point.


Maret said...

i knew that you are going to mention these things...great job letting people know!

I'll pray for you and the trip.

Just that your plane would go into a tailspin and everybody would die...exept for you, cause you had the traytable up....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris! Don't know if you remember me but I'm from Philly (Pioneer)...Anyway - I decided to check out your blog and it happens that I had a conversation with your mom about how close publications/writing are to their hearts and then I come across this post :-) Believe me, there are plenty of typos in US publications as well...You'd be appalled at the number of errors I find in books, newspapers, etc.....

Anyway, have safe travels whereever you go this summer and beyond. E-mail me or visit my blog if you want ( , http;// - yes, the name IS original, I know :-))

Funny how a dream comes true... said...

Hay......Hahahhaha...its just soo u comment dose mistakes....well...glad to READ from promise that ull start loving Tallinn also...