Monday, June 05, 2006

Man do i have wierd dreams... (zombies?)

i'm going to tell you about the wierdest dream ever that i had a little while ago. i think this dream is hilarious, you will think it's stupid at best. at worst...well, i'll just be optimistic. so in this dream i went to canada for battle school and for some odd reason they were starting battle school off with a dance (!?!?!) so we could get to know each other. so beside being very confused by the fact i was also slightly embarrased because i only had a T-shirt and jeans on and everyone else was dressed up. and then i was pleasantly surprised to find that for some strange reason my friend Tanel from Tallinn was also there, and to make it stranger he had the same "sensual" new phone as me and so we showed them off to everyone. so so far in this dream i had everyithing i could ever need, a friend, a phone and...what was missing? oh yes, a girl. so then as we sat talking about our newly aquired "sensuality" we met a chick in a black dress and hung out with her (leedi mustas kleedis...tantsin veel, tantsin veel!!) and then we decided to go for a walk. so for some strange reason despite the fact that it had been light out quite recently it was suddenly midnight and very dark. and then to my great surprise we met up with my friend Andrei from Tartu. how did Andrei and Tanel end up in a dream about canada? don't ask, the dream only gets better. so as we're being all crazy joking around with our new friend, the chick in the black dress for some reason we started talking about zombies. (zombies? what?) and our bold friend in the black dress asserted that nothing, not even zombies, could scare her. and then she ran ahead of us a little bit and ran around a corner and of course next thing we knew we heard a scream and then rounded a corner to see her being consumed by zombies (i told you it got better) and then as we fought off the millions of zombies who suddenly swarmed us hungry for grains (doesn't he mean brains?) we ran back to the corps where we informed the corps officer that a large group of zombies had consumed our darkly clad friend and were now hungrily chasing us. and he said we only had one choice, we had to...PRAY!! so as a huge army of zombies smashed into the corps building the image in my mind switched from a realistic picture to what appeared to be a gameboy screan where someone was playing the salvation army version of tactics ogre (rockin' game) and so in this video game setting me and my friends plus the corps officers knelt down and prayed and a ring of light shot out and hit all the zombies for exactly 128 damage (it's wierd how much i remember my dreams) and they all promptly dissapeared. i then heard a loud knocking and woke up to hear my dad telling me it was time to wake up. so anyway, that is just a small taste of what you can expext from my trip to canada. zombies. estonians. girls in black dresses. lots of prayer. and did i mention zombies? so anyway, just wanted to tell you about my strange, strange dream and...well, yeeah. thats it! bye!

1 comment:

Maret said...

that was wierd...