Thursday, December 18, 2008

On leaving…

For those of you who FaceBook stalk me and saw my status, you may have noticed that I’m not exactly happy to be leaving Houghton. I don’t look forward to breaks. I wish I could spend break in Houghton, living in my dorm, chilling with my friends. But that’s not really possible. Harry Potter and I have much in common, we both would rather live at school. I don’t really have a “home” anyplace on Earth. Nowhere really feels like “home” to me. In fact I never remember having a “home”. But at the moment I have given Houghton College, Rothenbuhler Hall, room 216, the name “home”. And it is home for me. It’s the closest I have. Estonia is home also, but at the moment Houghton is home. I’m tired of leaving “home”. Not only do I not have a home, but when I designate a place as “home” I end up leaving it, even if it is just for break. So I’m sad to be leaving Houghton. My ideal break would be all my friends staying here with me and us just having fun together. But I know that can’t be. But I’m still sad…

But I decided rather than getting sad, I’d get mad! I mean, glad! I mean, PUMPED!! So, I’ve pulled out my NightWish collection and am rocking out. NightWish is my traveling music, and so I’m laying on a little Wanderlust, getting myself to stop thinking about anything but the thrill and excitement of travel. What would I do without NightWish? Thank God I have them getting me so pumped for this so I can travel happily. I’ll enjoy this break. It’ll be a chance to do some writing. In fact, there’s a writing contest I’m excited to be writing for. Yay! Anyway, I must go to bed now. College is like jet lag, and so I need to get over it. Anyway, goodnight!


Anonymous said...

so estonia is not your home? looser, or its just that ur home here with ur familiy sucked? you couldn't play video games up til 5 am!??

Dave said...

Yo Chris its Dave. I feel for you, though I don't exactly know how you feel. I know how you feel though as a tornado....and that is HOT!!! Seriously though if you wanna talk ever Facebook message me or my aim is Shr00m219 (that is zeros instead of o's). And check my blog occasionally I shall be writing as well!!! Anyway peace dude talk to you later

Gatzie said...

awee...Chris, think about it, you will be away from college for 2 weeks, :D u'll live :)..:D

I haven't seen any emails from you or anything!!! Its your break, so don't bring up any college work excuses :P :)

take care!