Friday, February 24, 2006

Estonian Indedence Day (#1)

guess what day it is today? Estonian national independence day! the first one! here in Estonia we have two indepedence days, the first one, today, from when they kicked out some nasty ruling country in the early 1900s ("1918, is my guess" says one Estonian friend who doesn't pay attention in history class) , and the second one, was in 1989 (says my friend who doesn't pay attention in class. i thought it was 1992 but i'll trust the Estonian.) on august 20th. so anyway today is a national holiday, and just because i'm so lazy i am taking it as a holiday too. i've watched TV almost all day and i feel GREAT!! like frosted flakes!! today is what they call a "suur filmipäev" or "big movie day" so i've been watching all sorts of fun stuff. i watched part of two simpsons episodes, "The Majestic" and an Estonian movie called "kevade" which i watched completely in estonian, without any english translation whatsoever. and i understood most of it too. and by the way, the best translation for "kevade" would be something like "of summer". and i feel i have to brag about watching this because it was an old, black and white, soviet times movie. it was like fifty years old!! so i want every one to say "oh, Chris, you are wonderful. you are talented. you are capable of watching and mostly understanding old Estonian movies!!" and after your done saying that you must all give me reeses and root beer. so there!! so now that i have bragged about that and told you about Estonian independence day i think i may be done blogging. i just want mention that i am very upset with all my Estonian friends who don't pay attention in history class!! the whole time i've been blogging i have also been on MSN bugging any Estonian i came in contact with to tell me the simple things 1. what is the date of the second independence?: partly answered, told the year by a friend, found the date myself (it's sad when an American can do these things faster) 2. who ruled Estonia before the first independence?: no one knows, apperantly before the first independence all of Estonia was uncivilized tribes living in mud huts(joke), until (says another helpful friend) some dude named "Konstantin Päts" from pärnu, Estonia became the first Estonia prime minister guy. and my third question was the: 3. are all Estonian girls really blond? or do they always fake it?: the answer-it's fake. so now i am done, good bye!


Kapten Clark said...

I know you meant to say SPRING, not summer, especially since it is actually wintery throughout most of the movie, and doesn't really get to SPRING until near the end! :-)

Kapten Clark said...

There are a couple of articles on our blog that set the historical record straight for you!

Estonia in World Media (Rus) said...

make your research easier, read wikipedia's article on Estonian history

Anonymous said...

is the year 1918 he first time and 1991 the second there...