Friday, February 03, 2006

Hey Guys! I Wanna Argue With You Guys About Sicience!!

No, really. I want to argue about science with you guys. You know why? Two reasons, 1. I’m a Christian (has nothing to do with me wanting to argue about science) and 2. I am a supporter of both evolution and the big bang THEORY (the word theory must be stressed when talking about the “big bang”). Now before you pull out your anti-heretic shotguns finish reading this post, then you can dismember me as you wish. When it comes to the “big bang theory”, which is one of the most heavily disputed points between Christians and modern scientists, I believe one thing. I read this one on a bumper sticker and fell in love with it, “God said it and…BANG it happened”. In the bible all it isn’t that detailed when it talks about creation, and the reason I believe that is that we don’t need a whole big bunch of details or the bible would require a whole pick-up truck to carry it around in. it simply says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”(Genesis 1:1 Short but sweet, that’s one of the things I like about the bible, if it’s got a point to make it doesn’t beat around the bush. So the only real description the bible gives of how God created the heavens and the earth, which is repeated throughout the story of creation (until he makes man), is God saying “Let there be…” and there was. It doesn’t say “God said let there be this, that, and the other, but do it without a bang so I don’t get a headache” it says nothing like that. But in my opinion, God is an all powerful God, and so why not make some noise while creating the universe? I like to think of God as a good humored kind of guy, so why wouldn’t he have fun, make some things go “BANG!!!” seems perfectly logical to me. And from my studies I have learned one very important thing, God is both a perfect God and a perfectly logical God, when he does some thing it makes sense. But the important thing to remember when discussing the big bang theory is that it is, no matter how hard you try to change it, a theory. Now for you to understand the importance of it being a theory I will explain the scientific method a little.

In science you start off with a hypothesis, which is an idea or an observation, and then you go and try to prove it. Now to do that you have to collect data, and if you get enough logical, correct, well tested data, then your hypothesis evolves, and you got a big, fat, ugly theory staring you down. Now a theory is the spot between a fantasy and a fact, not quite proven but not unproven either. If you can have that theory survive several generations of data, all consistent with your theory, then you can proudly say that you now have a scientific law. But hear is the flaw in the scientific method and the big reason why science can’t prove anything (yessir, I did just say science can’t prove anything), a scientific theory can still be wrong. There was a dude name Aristotle a long, long time ago (around 330 BC) and he noticed that if you leave some meat out for a couple of days after a while maggots will appear on it (yuck!!!). so he came up with the hypothesis that the maggots where being created by the meat. Or more that rotten meat spawns maggots. And he tested this on several things, for example, stick a sweaty shirt and some grains in a box and within a few weeks you got yourself a mouse! It’s a modern miracle! Or not, back in his time houses weren’t as well insulated and mice could easily chew into a box that smelled so, um, interesting. And you can’t really tell if the mouse had chewed in or out of the box, could you? Now this hypothesis came to be known as “spontaneous generation” and as this was tested over hundreds of years maggots always appeared on the meat so it from hypothesis to theory to scientific law, but then in the mid 1600 hundreds some dude said “that doesn’t sound right!” so he did the same experiments except for one thing, he put the meat in containers and covered it with netting fine enough to let air in but keep maggots out, he waited a long time but no maggots would appear on that meat, he and similar scientists used those same methods to disprove al the experiments and proved that nothing on earth just appears, everything comes from somewhere. Which also disproves that little bit about us evolving from some single-celled organism millions of years ago that just appeared, because it has been shown that nothing just appears, it’s not logical.

And now on to my other point, evolution. Evolution is a very hotly debated topic even among Christians, some say that it goes against creation, the bible, and God. I, for one, disagree. Any intelligent person can see just looking at the history of the planet, the way humans change, the way animals change, to see that evolution does happen and is a logical process. Now I am not saying the humans evolved from monkeys, far from it, in the bible it clearly says: “Then God said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life-the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals. So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27) now the interesting thing in these verses is that it says “They will be masters over all life” and for some reason I think that includes monkeys, and you also notice it repeatedly says that we are created in his image, patterned after him, so to say that our first ancestors were monkeys is to say God looks like a monkey, and I think that’s a little sacrilegious, even for me. An example of human evolution, if you will forgive this example is this, when a African man and a Caucasian women (or vice-versa) get married and have children then their children are neither completely African in skin color, or completely Caucasian in skin color. Or also you can say how come American men are usually taller than Japanese men? Because of the lifestyle, first the Bristish, and then Americans have had, a rather rich, posh life with lots of food and nourishment it makes sense that they as an entire people group grew big and tall. Now in Japan, a country that during most of its history has been ruled by emperors and shoguns, and which during those times in it’s past the majority of the people were considered “peasantry” and were not as well fed, and therefore the smaller you were, the less food you needed, and the more likely you were to survive, so only the small survived while the large starved to death and did not pass on their tall genes. So there you have two examples of human evolution from the last 1000 years, logical? There is such thing as evolution, but we, as humans, were created by God, not evolved from monkeys. So now I rest my case on both my scientific arguments.

I just want to say a few things to end this post, I try to keep my blog as politically correct as possible and if anything here offended you I am most sorry. And that remark about Africans about Caucasians was not meant to be racist, it was taken from observation of my own family. And now some fun stuff I wanna say. Do you know how women got the now “women”? when god created Eve, Adam woke up, saw here, turned to God and said “WHOA MAN!! Good job!!” and they thought the name “whoa man” sounded a little odd so they changed it to “woman”. And also here is some bible trivia, do you know where in the bible it takes about baseball? Genesis 1:1 says something like “In the big inning…” I’m not sure that’s correct but whatever. Hope you liked this post, I just want to note for anyone wondering that I used a “New Living Translation” bible for this post and usually do for any posts I do. Now I got to go,

Your Nutty Friend,


Anonymous said...

this post is a good one but its soo long and quess who has to translate it?....anyways...its a cool post so don't mind me whining...atleast i'll learn more...

Anonymous said...

wine wine whine!