Monday, October 08, 2007

Moral outrage! Or rightous anger! Or just really, really mad!

I'm sure those of you who get out much recognize the demonic bunny pictured there. Those aren't ears, they're demon horns. And that's not a bow-tie, it's something much, much more evil. I'm just not quite sure what it is. But for those of you who don't get out much (and are probably better off for it) that is the Playboy bunny. A bunny that now sits on everything from magazines to video games, from T-shirts to young girls' purses. Now you may remember when i wrote about how angry i was that there was a Playboy "accesories" shop, selling purses and necklaces and other blingy girly trinkets, in Ülemiste mall and how we should boycott it/burn it down. But now i have just been made aware of an interesting piece of porn trivia (for those of you who never, ever, ever, ever get out and are so, so, so, so much better for it Playboy=Porn) Playboy magazine was not sold in Estonia until recently. And now that it is being sold here they (the Playboys) are having a HUGE add compaign about the fact that Playboy is now here. There are Playboy bunnies everywhere. Along with many pictures of women of unrealistic propertions with a look on their face that i doubt many real women ever have unless payed large sums of many to stand around naked. And i'm told that on the radio they are offering free subscriptions and some such crap. It makes me ANGRY! For several resons it annoys me. One is that porn is just bad. End of story. No redeeming value anywhere. Period. Another thing is that if Estonia is going to have porn why import it? I could see some slight good coming out of helping the Estonian economy if some Estonian company made porn. But foreign porn? Is there any huge difference in quality i'm just not aware of? If you ask me Estonian women are, on average, more beautiful so...i don't get it. I just don't get it. And it makes me mad. It's bad for the women in the porn. It's bad for the men buying the porn. It's bad for the young people who will inevitably get their hands on it eventually. IT IS BAD!!! Anger....and the sucky thing is that other than boycotting it myself as i have been for years there's not a whole lot i can do. I could hunt down and blow up every shop in Estonia selling Playboys. But then there would be almost a grand total of zero shops left. It makes me angry. And i've written a blog post saying so. And for now, that's all i can think of to do.

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