Hello blogosphere. I know that through many broken promises and nights when I have chosen video games over writing I have broken the hearts of whatever readers I once had. Forgive me, oh jilted readers, accept my humble apologies and read my ramblings again! For real this time, I'm back
I have several reasons for being back this time. The first reason is that I was encouraged by Professor Huth, veteran of five classes with me, to blog. Earlier today Professor Huth wrote to me to give me my grade on my final project for my Extended Narrative class (I got an A!) and said, "Have you considered starting a blog? The kind of writing you’re doing might lend itself toward that, as well as force you to keep writing regularly and give you a readership." Why yes, Professor Huth, I have considered starting a blog. What I have not considered is writing consistently since 2008...but no more! Ever since coming going to college I have tried to expand my writing horizons by focusing on fiction and poetry so as to shore up my weak points. I recently changed all that in my Extended Narrative class where I went back to my native form: Autobiography, Memoir, or as some call it, Blogging! After the positive response I have received from friends, class, professor and, most difficult to please, myself, I have decided that it is time to get back into blogging.
The second reason is that "Write everyday!" is the #1 piece of advice given to writers everywhere (next to "show don't tell" of course). "If you make time for your muse it will come to you!" Well, time to put that to the test. 11 p.m. every day this summer I would probably be doing one of several things:
1. Playing a video game
2. Watching a movie
3. Lurking on social networks
4. Stumbling on StumbleUpon...and stumbling...and stumbling...and...
5. Picking my nose
6. Having an existential crisis
7. Having an identity crisis (Am I a writer, psychologist or missionary? Why am I even in college? Who am I?)
8. Staring at the ceiling
9. Becoming preoccupied with wishing I were more productive
10. Doing anything but writing
Change of plans. This summer I will be doing none of those things at 11 p.m. This summer my phone will vibrate and making annoying noises and display the words Writing Time! in accusatory letters until I begin to write. Hopefully I will actually keep up with this and not break any hearts, yours or mine, ever again.
Reason three: FaceBook! I love the fact that my blog gets imported to FaceBook and I hope that this will cause more comments and readership than regular blogging could give me. Also, maybe some people who don't know me quite so well will get to know me really well and suddenly decide to become my best friend. You never know what great things blogging could do through the power of social networking.
The fourth of the reasons is that this summer I have an internship at the Acadia Hospital (http://acadiahospital.org/) this summer and I need to journal about that experience after each day of field experience. Not only will the internship be awesome for me but I think that some other people might like to hear about it as well. It is likely that I can't share everything on my blog, but what I can share I will. Sharing my experiences with all of you, my beloved readers (I still believe you exist, just like Slenderman), will make it more interesting to write about and will keep me faithful to journaling about it.
The fifth and final reason why I will write this summer is simple. I like myself. A lot. A chance for me to just write about myself and be as cocky and arrogant or self-conscious and self-deprecating as I want is just plain fun. It has been years since I blogged consistently, but this summer I hope to revive that tradition.
Again, I know that you, like me, are skeptical that I will keep my promise this time. It is true that I may not blog every day but I am committed to writing every night. I may spend the time working on other projects such as journaling for my internship or some fun writing that I may come up with, but if I really am writing every night I will end up blogging at least somewhat consistency.
Anyway, I hope you're as excited as I am for this, and I hope that more than three people read this. To obscurity and inconsistency! Huzzah!
I am so excited you have a blooooog, twin!
I'm so excited that I now have your blog, twin!
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