Saturday, March 12, 2005

All Hail the Mission Team!!!

dude, i just got back from mission team and aside from feeling dpressed that its over, exuasted from the work, and sick from trying to eat and talk at the same time, i feel GREAT!! i love mission team so i'm gonna tell you people everything about this cool weekend i just had. ok so first me and my dad get in the car and drive there. the drive was good, except that like 10 minutes from the place we where supposed to go, we got stuck in traffic. but thats was ok because it gave me time to finish the book i was reading for school, and sit and be bored but you dont wanna hear about that. so then we get there (30 minutes late) and almost everyone has finished eating. and instead of getting myself a plate, someone else got a nice, nutritous, plate of estonain-finnish food for me. now usually i can stomach anything, no matter what, if i'm hungry, i eat it. but i wasn't that hungry, and this food was...different (that does not imply anything) from what i was used to. so i ate the chicken (of course, chicken rules) but then i wasn't hungry for more so i tried handing off my plate to my dad, but he didn't want it. and then i'm just trying to figure out what to do with it and then this finnish girl, (can you call 18 year olds girls?) maria, says "just eat it". now as an american this revolutionary idea of eating food that i did not want was just amazing. i thought she must be crazy, either that or shes finnsh. ;) so then i ate most of the food anyway (these finnish people are crazy!!). and then we danced and sang and did dramas and stuff. and then we had this really cool little prayer thing where we were supposed to fingerpaint a picture. wait a minute, fingerpaint? yeah, you heard right. so we fingerpainted which was awesome. and then we did devotions and took a snooze.

the next day i woke up at 6:00 am and COULD NOT SLEEP!!! it was SO COLD!!! so got up and put on a fleece sweatshirt thing to keep warm and then since i coudn't sleep i walked, back and forth, back and forth. becauseas long as i kept moving i woudn't get to cold. so then we wake up and all that and me and evelin had a argument because i said she looked good without make up and she said she needed it or she'd look ugly. i will never understand girls. nor do i wish to. so after this we sang and i played drums. that reminds me of one of the coolest things. i got a drum!! its one of those congo-bongo drum things. it is so bueotiful. its in perfect condition and it has this really cool looking design on the bottom. and it sounds perfect. but i, uh, need practice. i'm not that good yet.

so after that we learned practiced a new drama we had learned the day before (i like this drama because i get to hit sarah wittenberg's hands and then pretend (haha, ya "pretend") to hit her in the head. and anelli taught us a new dance. and then through dicussions with this finnish girl, maria, i figured some things out. first of all, after long deliberation and many, many, deep thoughts we have come to the conclusion that anneli is...a girl. i mean looking at her i never would have guessed... ok, and we figured out that maria is the only person on earth (not related to me) who does not,not like me. actually sarah figured that one out. and then maria thanked me at the end because i had show her that she could be juts friends with a guy. i can understand the feeling, before i moved to estonia hanging out with a group of girls would never happen.

so then we said bood-bye and everything and i left. and now i'm home. and i'm tired. and i'm done now, buh bye.

1 comment:

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

hey there chris
meaghan here, sorry i couldnt be there it sounded pretty cool, haha i know i was missed/....haha j/k i still cant believe you are able to write a blog every day, gosh