Thursday, March 17, 2005

ok, now i'll write about sex.

ok, so let me tell you about yesterday. last night i went to youth group a kolgata baptist church. the theme for the night was sex. when, where, and with whom? the answer to those 3 questions was this (i thought this was funny, i don't know about you.), when: whenever you feel like it, where: wherever it's comfortable and apropriate, and this is the important one, with whom: your spouse. i thought this was really funny. so that was the topic and we started out going in the other room and talking about sex, what it is, what it does to you, and what the Bible says about it. even though i had no "hands on" experience on the subject i was still able to understand what they were talking about. i thought this whole thing was very interesting, but i don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. one little thing about sex i thought was cool was this little analogy: sex is like fire, if its in the right place (fireplace, furnace, etc.) it keeps you warm and your happy with it. but, if you decide you don't want to wait until you can go over to the fire place and you want to have a nice warm fire on your couch, then yeah it'll keep you warm, but it'll burn your house down too!!

i liked this analogy. then after just talking about sex for a while we split into small groups to talk about sex even more. my group was fun because even though it's almost impossible to try to have translation when you split into small groups (which i'm used to now) they kept telling jokes about sex, even though i didn't understand a word but it was nice to be with a bunch of people laughing. i kept thinking of all the american sex jokes i've heard...WHAT?!?! YOU REALLY THINK I'M GONNA PUT AMERICAN JOKES ABOUT SEX ON MY BLOG!!!! YOU CRAZY!?!? ok i think i lost my line of thinking there...what was i talking about? oh yes, sex. so we had our discussions in our small groups and then we went back in the room and we had put all our questions about sex in a box so they could answer them, so they answered all our questions and it was good. so then we were done talking about sex and it was time to leave.

what a great topic, sex. it ended around 30 minutes later than normal, i mean come on, get a bunch of teens and young adults and put them in a room and tell them to talk about sex then of course thier gonna take thier time! i was very happy because somewhere in the middle there someone told me they read my blog, i love it when people tell me they read my blog. have you ever seen anime? you know how when a character in a anime cartoon is very excited then it shows them stand on a rock in the middle of the ocean with waves all around and in a very cool pose? thats how i feel when i hear someone reads my blog i'm like "YES, SOMEONE KNOWS I EXIST!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!" she said she liked it because its very sincere. i try to be sincere, especially when talking about sex. ;) she said she saw the link on kerli's blog, i really need to figure out how to put links to peoples blog on mine. but thank you very much for whoever has alink to my blog on thier blog. and also i asked Eva, who is in charge of the home group, when and where home group is. so now i'm definitely going to that.

and now i'm done, i think i might blog later tonight or i might not. todays a thursday, thursdays are always boring for me...=(. well, Cya.

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