Wednesday, March 30, 2005

still in tallinn...

i´m still in tallinn. are all you tartu people missing me? yesterday i missed the yugioh thing, which is probably good cuz it means i didnt get humilated (again), and it saved me 25 kroon i probably would have lost. the only bad thing about staying in tallinn is that while everyones at school i have nothing to do...except sit around and listen to music but i forgot evanescence cd and i miss it already =(. i would go to the international school but i´d get beat up, and thats NOT because i´m a nerd or an idiot or something (which i´m not) itś because because of my "good" friend at the international school who would sic all her little friends on me (shes tried it before). so right now i´ve stooped to going to the evanescence website and listening to sound clips since i forgot my cd. so let me see, so much has happened but none of it i can write about. ok, i got something. thank you bree for posting on my blog. i thought everyone had forgotten me by now but i guess its hard to forget someone as annoying as me, right? ;). lol. ya i do have a lot of girlfriends (as in friends who are girls), and you people who knew me in america probabloy can´t believe that i even ever talked to a girl. ah, life is interesting. i have been thinkign of starting a "private" blog that only my close friends will read, but i´m not sure. and yes, my enemies should read it to to, have you ever heard the video game saying "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer"? thats me, friends close, enemies closer ;). since i´ve been bored a lot lately i´ve started reading "acts of gord" again. do you know acts of gord? NO!?!?! the sinfulness...ok, is a hilarious website full of supposedly true stories about the owner of a video game store. some greats ones are when "the gord" uses his "backhand of justice" to smack around some thieves, or the time when one boys father finds a rather, er, "creative" way to tell the gord he does not mind letting his son play violent video games. or heres my personal favorite qoute...

"We would like a quote for the front page of the newspaper talking about videogame violence, and it's possible impact on society."
"Video games don't make people more violent, and I'll kill anyone who disagrees."

"I don't think we can print that."

...see? and i´ll kill anyone who says this website is boring. ok, see i have nothing to write about so i´m giving you gord quotes. thats just bad, i need to go do something random and then blog about it. let me see...hmm. i´m braindead for strange things to do. sarah told me i was becomeing more normal but this...this is to much!!! i´m kidding, i´ll think of something stupid in a minute. i have an idea, i´m tired so i´m gonna stop typing, Cya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,

A couple weeks flying solo. Quit sitting around and go have some fun!