Tuesday, May 16, 2006

beware the ides of...may?

don't beware the ides of march, they rock. it's the ides of may you've gotta look out for. rain, plants growing, maret's birthday, and ants everywhere are all reasons to beware the ides of may. right now it's raining, and raining, and raining. and yes, i have gone and danced in the rain, it was most enjoyable. so anyway today i had to commit the unforgivable sin, do the ultimate evil, the thing most abhorrent to me. i had to MOW THE LAWN!!! AHHHH!!! no!! anything but that! well i had to, it had to be done and no one else could do it. so anyway for the first time in months i pulled out the old lawn mower and filled it up with gas. and then i got down to the problem of fixing the handle. last year i broke the handle somehow and lost the pieces so it couldn't be fixed and ever since have mowed the lwn useing a lawn mower with a broken handle. i've tried everything to fix it. i've used sticks to hold it together, grass to tie it together, and even the little twisty things that comes with bread to hold it together. they all worked. for about 10 minutes. so today me and my dad put our heads together to figure out a way to get that handle to stay on. so my dad went and poked around the shed until he found a big long screw and a plastic thingy that fit together loosely, but well enough to hold the handle on. well, that's only half true. it held the handle on until i actually turn on the lawn mower. i found this out when i started mowing the lawn and felt the handle break, then heard the sound of bits of plastic flying out of the lawn mower. the plastic thingy holding the screw in had fallen off and because i'm so inteligent i ran it over. oops, there goes my fixed handle.

so then i went inside to try to find my dad to put our heads back together but to my great dismay i found out he was in the shower. so i went outside, pulled out my mp3 player and put my head and my mp3 player's headphones together and i came up with the most inteligent idea over. i would use the world's greatest invention, the most powerful weapon and yet the most useful tool. something strong yet small, flexible yet (almost)invincible. i used...a rubber band. i love rubberbands. i always have a bag of them handy just in case. if i get attacked by big meanies i can shoot them with rubberbands. if i need to tie stuff together...rubberband it!! so i went down to my room and pulled out three wonderful red rubberbands, i then went out and useing all my rubberbanding skill rubberbanded the handle back on. i rock!! rubberbands rock!! so then i mowed the lawn as i listened to all sorts of fun music on my mp3 player. and now i'm done, it stopped raining as i blogged so the day is beautiful again. now i gotta go, Cya!!


pia said...

dont tell me u have rain! all we have is sunshine & burning forests! so unfair!

Anonymous said...

Great job fixing the mower!!!