Monday, May 08, 2006

Blogging on my mobile? Am i nuts? (Yes)

here is a blog post that i wrote in SMS form on my mobile phone, which i think is wicked cool. so anyway here is my blog post written while outside and on the phone, i hope you enjoy it.

"here i am at raekoja plats in tartu, putting my "sensual" new phone to good use. i just decided to start writing a blog post on my phone, simply for lack of anything better to do. right now the spring festival, "kevadlaat" is going on here in raekoja plats, which means three deffinite things:music, crowds and souveniours. and all of that in large quantities. i am sitting on the front steps of the town hall enjoying the view. this is what i see: in front of me, beyond the statue of the kiss students is a small orange and blue stage, upon which is playing a rather traditional looking five piece band (accordian and violin included). the music isn;t exactly my style. but it's not horrible. in front of me now is an awesome looking group of Estonian national dancers in full traditional Estonian dress. those guys always look so cool to me. i'm loving checking out everybody's t-shirts, everyone has something interesting written on thier shirt. i of course have my super cool "mida oli? what's up?" shirt. besides the alwasy popular smattering of Navitrolla shirts one popular is the "F.B.I. Femal Body Inspecter" shirt. i don't really understand the appeal of this shirt because it seems to me that by wearing this shirt you would freak out any females you might wish to inspect! come on guys! but the strange thing is that every guy i see wearing one of these shirts is with a girl! should i get one? maybe girls those shirts attractive? if you girls think i should get one then comment on this post and let me know. now i need to go because my two friends, ats and maret, are bugging me. so Cya!"

and there you have it. a whole blog post written without a computer, isn't it cool? even though it took forever and i barely got any writing out of it. whatever, i'm gonna go now so Cya!

1 comment:

Kapten Clark said...

I like your CIA (Christ Is Alive) shirt better! :-)