Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Scroll down to see all the pictures and read about Maret's birthday.

I have no idea what we're laughing about but it must be pretty funny. i hope you enjoyed these pictures, if you would like to wish maret a happy birthday comment on my blog and i'll make sure she gets it. so anyway, one last time lets say "HAPPY BRITHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MARET, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!"


Anonymous said...

i know what we were laughing about...i wanted to blow the candles after you had sung Happy birthday in English...but after that you sung it in Estonian too...

Thank you for not making the day like an ordinary day...

Washing dishes on my birthday was wierd, but funny...

Funny how a dream comes true... said...

Ehhhh..u know what..Im gonna post about the Chick thing...The one u met chicks...Im Kinda a bit mad that when i called u u sayd u couldnt come...GEEZE..U didnt have to lie..U could of called me and sayd im going out wid some Chicks..:D
Then u would of spared me from walking 5 kilometers from ma home to Raekoja plats...oks...lols..i aint gonna bite ya know...but keep it Real and keep it going..lol
ANNELY...not anelli