Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's rant time because...SEXUAL PURITY ISN'T JUST A CHICK THING!!

And if anyone wants to argue, i'd be more then happy to smash your face in with a rubber duck. the reason that i want to rant is that lately i have been doing study on dating and christian relationships and all that good junk. no, i'm not gonna tell you exactly why i'm studying this. but come on, there's millions of chicks on earth, and just statistically speaking they can't ALL hate me. so why not study up? but anyway i was looking at the book Boundaries in Dating by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend. i know it's a lame sounding name. and i'm sure half of you are now laughing. but that's my problem. this is NOT just a chick thing. i wanna be pure too. but this is what really upsets me. i picked up this book and looked in the table of contents and skipped to "Set Appropriate Physical Limits". again for my own reasons i skipped to this part. so i started reading. it went kind of like this. "hmmm...interesting point...yeah, i agree with that...uh huh, sure, whatever...wait a minute, i will never date a him, what the heck are you talking about!" i noticed something that really, REALLY bothered me. almost this whole part of this book was written as if it was only to girls! all talking about "him" and what to do if he says "if you love me you'll do it" and stories about tragic relationships where HE took advantage. wait a minute...where the heck is the part of the book for ME! this talks about how bad women feel after they've lost their virginity. it talks about how often WOMEN get betrayed. and it only talks about us guys as if we're EVIL! and this is what really bugs me. it never mentions a single story about how a guy had sex before marriage and felt like crap. who was weighed down by guilt. no, only the chicks. so a few assumptions can be made from this, either guys feel great after sex whether within marriage or out of it and we have no earthly consequences. or this book, and every other resource on sexual purity, is written for girls.

i think once upon a time a group of people who were upset by the world of young people's lack of abstinence got together and made a plan. they decided to get girl SOO worried about getting pregnant. and SOO SOO worried about gettting AIDS. and make them all aware of the guilt and feeling of violation that comes from sex outside of marriage that no girl on earth would never have sex until they had been married five years and prayed about it extensively and read 10 books on the subject. not that that's bad but the plan has two MAJOR loopholes. (1) not every girl is christian and willing to commit to abstinence, despite the popular myth that only guys have problems with lust and sex and that girls are just victims. and (2) NOBODY PLANNED TO TELL THE GUYS ANYTHING!!! i love the book Not even a hint Joshua Harris (he has several good books.) bevause it's great for guys too! yeah the cover looks a bit girly but the content is good! but it's very upsetting to me that almost every single christian thing out there trying to keep people from having sex before marriage is written for chicks! and it tells horrible stories about how chicks have had their hearts ripped out of their chest by big evil guys who come and "replace love with sex." isn't that tragic. well the only thing there that keeps me from wanting to have sex is that it makes me feel guilty for being male. if only i were female, maybe then i wouldn't be an evil, sex crazed rapist. BUT I'M NOT!!! every singly book is written like that and it makes me angry. i'm one angry, angry hippo.

and to continue my rant even the books that aren't like that are like "how to" guides on how to survive in a relationship where your signifigant other is pressuring you. now where are the books for us 16 year old christian guys who cannot, no matter how hard we pray or try to be holy, cannot deny the fact that we are simply extremely horny! sorry to be blunt there, i'm sure a whole bunch of jaws just dropped but it will do you good to get some excercise, get up, get your jaw of the floor and finish reading my rant. (OH MY GOD, HE SAID HORNY!!) i know for a fact that the only thing a cold shower does is make you wet and cold. neither one is enjoyable. so anyway, this is my cry out for some one to write a good masculine book for all us guys. i don't give a crap if you're politically correct (i'm not...) all i want is honesty and help and non-chickness! because the desire for sexual purity is not just a chick thing. i don't now about other guys but i personally would like to be a pure and holy offering to God. but even though this may be blaspheme i just want to see the stupidest thing God ever did was make us all horny from the age of 13 but not allow to have sex until marriage. and the way society works now i'm not getting married until 21! HOW WILL I SURVIVE!

so anyway, i'm happy now. i think i vented all my frustrations. i'm still a little bit ticked. but whatever, i'm like that. and as well as a call out for some cool book help i always want some friends. i come home and it feels like every one i know has joined the darkside. that's how it feels but i think it's not them who switched sides, it's me. so being the only light side jedi around i feel lonely, and i have no one to watch my back. so just a quick call out for someone, anyway. someone who doesn't have a log in their eye who can help me pick the splinters out of mine. so yeah, i think i just lost some readers, i know my grandparents are probably freaked. i've been told lately that my blog is offensive, and that some people won't allow their children to read it. so just a warning now. my blog is rated NC-17 or if you're a gamer it's rated M (Mature). because it's my blog and i put what i want on it. there are times when i want to rail against things that piss me off. and there are time when i want to write very bluntly about sex. so here's my whole rant in a nut shell, this is what really set me off. the way the books and everything makes it sound, there is no earthly consequence for premarital sex for guys. so if you're a young stud looking for fun why not? well i'm against that so i will glare and blog and say GRRR really loud! but it is hard because if you've ever asked me my favorite thing about living in Estonia you will know my immediate answer is "the girls". they're geourgous and friendly. and that's why dumb brits come and take advantage of them. but that's a rant for another day...

so anyway, i'm pretty much one now. i'm gonna go back to studying dating for my own reasons. and please pray for me on friday (tomorrow). God knows why. i want to say a thank you to Kristie for commenting, whenever i've asked for feedback it's almost always her who responds. and almost always ONLY her. so thank you, you make the rest of my readers look bad. ;-) so there's another fairly long post about nothing at all. i don't know why i've been blogging so much all of a sudden. i think it's 'cause i didn't for a while. i forget how nice it is to unload on my blog...anyway, gotta go, Cya!!

P.S. i was serious about a christian guy friend who i can talk to about junk like this.
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Kapten Clark said...

What about "Every (Young) Man's Battle"?

Maret said...

that was a good should really start writing for magazines.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Real Men Wear Boxer Shorts" by Dewey Friedel was very helpful in my struggles!