Thursday, August 24, 2006


Because my mom loves me so much she asked me to put a warning on my highly offensive blog. the following blog post has been rated NC-17 and M for teen partying (battle school joke) and loads of sexual content. she has also pointed out that a parental advisory will make people assume that parents will not also be offended. so just so you know. if you're 10 or 100, you'll be offended. or you'll laugh your head off. and here we go, MAJOR WARNING! THE FOLLOWING POST CONATAINS THE WORD....dare i say it? HORNY! but seriously. if you are easily offended, as in, have been offended by me in the past, please don't read the following post. please, seriously. you'll be upset. so anyway, there you go. you have been forewarned. now read on! if you dare...and by the way, you are allowed to send me angry E-mails. thank you,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get the battle school joke... :(