Friday, June 20, 2008

Ouch! Could my life not be exciting for just FIVE MINUTES?!

Wow. You see that crimson streak down my forehead? Do you know what that is? Did I have a crazy food fight, and get slaughtered by a ketchup wielding maniac? No, but that would be cool. No, that's blood. Yes, blood. I did something very, VERY stupid last night. Well, no girls were involved, so it wasn't THAT stupid. But my head was involved, and normally you'd think, "Well, if Chris was using his head I'm sure Everything must be totally A-Okay!" But I wasn't using my head like that. I was asleep. Ever since I've started sleeping in this bed, say, about two years, I've been smashing my head on the headboad. On my "old" bed in Tartu I had a high headboad, so I could keep moving higher and higher up the bed until my head was touching the headboard. But on this bed I have a head board that is about 3 inches high. Now, I'm not 100% sure what I do in my sleep, but I assume it's something like this. I lift up my head and shift my whole body upwards, and since my head hasn't bumped anything yet I assume it's safe to drop my head. Hard. Well, about 50% of the time I'm WRONG! And last night was one of those times. Normally I'd just bonk my head, wake up kind of dazed and then go back to sleep. But last night I must have down something crazy. I remember smacking my head last night. And I remember it hurting, but not so bad that it didn't let me sleep. So when Peter came into my room this morning and woke me up he had quite a strange way of doing it. "Bubby? Why are you bleeding?" And then when I looked in the mirror and confirmed that, yes, I did have a stream of blood going down my forehead Peter started crying because I was hurt. My life is way too exciting. My head feels fine. I probably killed some brain cells though. And my bloody wound itches a little, but other than that I'm okay. I still think I looked really cool with that blood on my head. Too bad all good things must come to an end. Anyway, I thought it was so cool that I took that picture. If there's any (female) vampires reading this, please note how tasty my blood looks. Now I need to go take a shower and wash my bloody hair. How cool is that! Bloody HAIR!! Sweet. Anyway, I'm off, Cya!

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