Saturday, August 13, 2005


hey, i found the schedule online so i can now finish writing! and by the way, if you have not already read the post below this, please do. so after that we had something i had been dreading...the ICE BREAKER!!! ever since first arriving i noticed a card in my name tag saying "ice breaker:group 8". now for all of us this had made us wonder, we asked questions like "whats an ice breaker?" or "how come i can't find anyone else in my icebreaker group" and of course "ice breaker? should i bring warm clothes?". not really, that last one i made up. but the whole thing was surounded by mystery. so as he explained it we learned we had to go to the place on the wall where our number (example number "8" for me) was. once we got there we found a bag, when we looked in the bag we found...some junk! and some papers telling us to make art for a display. this was fun becuase half our group was british, which was so cool with me (i love british people!) but the other half, they were french. now the french are cool, just...hard to work with. so as the brits and i sat back and every now and then said things like "oooohhh" or "good, man, good" as well as "nice, i like that!" the french made a wonderfully confusing piece of art, but at least it didn't resemble the mona lisa, so i was happy. so then after that confusing thing the general, the international leader of the salvation army got up and spoke. it was quite good, his subject was "is the army relevent today?" and his answer was "yes, if...". if what you ask? if we live up to our name and work well as an army and such other fun things.

then after this we had a nice supper, i don't quite remember what it was but i think it was good. and then after that we had the "main meeting". this was an awesome meeting that included great worship, a great message, and a great time to pray. that is one thing above all else i loved about this, i got so close with the other people on the team. it was nice to pray together. and then after that some of the teritory's did presentations. this included hollands awesome rap session (including a little parody of the song "blue da ba dee" which i love and know by heart) and latvia who did a dance to the song "irene" by TobyMac. so of course this was a TobyMac song and i not only knew the words but quite enjoyed singing along. but the said part was that becuase the song was so long the sound board people had to cut it short, taking off the best part, oh then after all that we had a nice little time chilling out at the after hours cafe hanging out and talking to people, it was fun. and then we went home, and on the tram i was remind of the bible verse "hard pressed, but not crushed" or whatever. becuase there was not room in that tram, but we squeezed, and we sang. and then, excuasted we went back to our tents. but me and tanel didn't sleep. becuase first of all he was missing, and then secondly i was cold and wanted a drink and wanted to find tanel. so i went and got some hot chocolate, found tanel, and then cruised back to the tent and slept, and beleive it or not slept well.

whew, i'm tired. i'll write more later, Cya.

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