Wednesday, August 24, 2005

and what shall i write about today? not much really......

well i just got off the phone with anneli, who got back to estonia yesterday. and man was i happy to talk to her again. you know she is the only person i can actually stand talking on the phone with? talking on the phone with anyone else drives me crazy! so heads up, don't call me and expect a long conversation. and so as i was saying (or typing, or maybe writing? what ever!), me and anneli had a nice chat on the phone, we talked about america and other such fun things. it appears that going to america has turned her into what i was (or am), a nerd. i consider my self a recovering nerd/video game addict (you seriously can get addicted), she is now aparently a getting worse anime freak. it's nice to know that now i will have someone who can understand me, at least a little. so hopefully she and her sister will come to tartu soon becuase i am dying to hang out with them! well anyway, as i was writing this i had a conversation with someone who i will name the "dark blank", and the "dark blank" put me in a very bad mood. i will not say more, i will just say goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite (and if they do, shoot 'em!). goodbye,


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