Tuesday, August 09, 2005

i ache all over!! and my nose is running so fast i can't catch it!!

ohhhhh........i'm back from prague. and in prague i played a gmae they called "big five", i personally however, call it death ball. five different ways to score, four teams, 140 players, and a million ways to get hurt. i tried every way i could find to get hurt. from tackling 3 people at once to geting trampled by ten enemies pushing a big yellow ball. and then when i went to supplement my teams defence by becoming a human wall against a soccer ball i got a wonderful knee in the mouth. and this whole time the only way to identify who was on what team was to see what color plastic plate they had tied around thier neck, but of course if you kno me then you kno i was purposefully putting myslefin positions where i would both get beat up and have my plate ripped off. so after about 2 minutes of playing the plate was ripped off and so i was force to fold it in half and place it between my teeth so my team would know that i was thier most dangerous player. i still have the remains of the plate actually, and the condition its in gives testament to the violence of the game. and so now, days later i ache all over, and have a wonderful cold from sleeping in a "water bed". i slept in a tent, it rained quite heavily, therefore my nice little sleeping bag turned into a very wet nice little sleeping bag. not at all a comfortable experience.

so now i would like to stop typing even though have only been typing for a very short time. im tired and sarah is online. i have not talked to sarah in quite a while and would like to. and anneli was on earlier, and i pray with all my heart she will come back on. she is the one person i want to talk to the most right now, but i doubt she will come on. what ever, Cya,

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