Thursday, October 19, 2006

11 year celebration coming up...temptation

Why do we have a 11 year celebration? who knows? 10 year made sense. and 15 year os only logical. but 11? just more work for me...anyway this weekened is the big fat celebration. people from Narva, Tartu, V6ro (sorry, still don't have Estonian letters) and Tallinn will all get together and partay to celebrate the 11th year of the Salvation Army being in Estonia. i can't wait because it means i get to flirt with 3 times as many girls (haha, yeah...) and also it's just fun to party. but with great power comes great responsibility, and with great fun comes great work. and because of the fact that we have British regional commanders whenever we have a celebration some group of wierdos from britain come to party with us. so we have some big band from Hythe (as in Scythe) in England who will come with their big heavy instruments and guess who will have to carry them...ME! gotta love it. so anyway that will be fun hard work. but besides that things will be hard for me because of (as i mentioned before) the large amount of attractive my age females. it makes me feel like Sir Galahad the Pure when he goes to castle Anthrax ("not a very good name, is it?") in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and is faced with 8 score (150) blonds and brunettes between the ages if 16 and 19 and a half who do nothing but sit around all day "bathing, dressing, undressing, making exciting underwear..." i love this scene because despite the fact that at the end poor Sir Galahad gives into the temptation he fights it quite admirably. and i love how he cries out "I am sworn to chastity!" as the 2 "doctors" try to examine his, uhm, more sensitive areas. poor guy, that's some serious temptaion and i understand his plight. but the best part of the scene is at the end Sir Lancelot and two un-named knights charge in and save their friend from extreme peril and certain temptaion. and even after being saved Sir Galahad still protests "Can't i go back and face the peril?" to which Lancelot replies "No, it's too perilous" Galahad:"Can't i have just a little peril" Lancelot:"No, it's unhealthy" Galahad:"I bet you're gay..." Lancelot:"No i'm not!" so anyway back to my point that despite that i spend all my time with attractive teenage girls anyway this weekend will be especially tempting and i will be feeling quite like Sir Galahad. so just so everyone knows if you're feeling rather like a Lancelot and feel the need to charge in...can't i have just a little peril? NO!! charge in please. but most of you reading this won't be there on saturday when the peril will begin in earnest so if you still want to help me out you can pray for me. that would be really cool of you. anyway i actually had one more thing on the subject i wanted to write.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." now that's a great verse but as we learn from Sir Galahad just because there's a away our doesn't mean we want to escape or will take it. and just because we can bear the temptation doesn't mean we'll not still give into it. and it's obvious it's common to man, look around. so just because there's always a way out (my personal favorite the "Joseph Method" tempted? RUN!!!) doesn't mean you'll use it. that's my problem, so that's why i need prayer. because i want a little peril, i just know i can't have it. oh, the great paradox of life. i want it but i can't have it because i am denying myself. i heard an interesing analogy lately. why ask how far is too far? when you're driving on a road on a mountain you're not asking how close to the edge. but the only problem is with me i'd be asking how close i could get to the edge 1. so i could check out the view and 2. because i'd love the headrush of being on the edge. so sorry for destroying a nice analogy. anyway, that's my problem, i think i'm sort of going on and on with no point here now so i'm gonna take off and eat something. Cya!


Kapten Clark said...

He's actually "Sir Galahad the Chaste" which does have the same meaning as "the Pure" but I think has the double meaning of THE CHASED which I do think is funny.

You also missed an opportunity to talk about "the sensitive area of corporal punishment" which is always good for a laugh!


pia said...

good luck this weekend!

Anonymous said...

i'll be praying for ya,