Monday, October 02, 2006

Wake me up when semptember ends...

wait a minute...semptember's over? it ended yesterday? and you never woke me up? geeze, you think you can count on people to wake you up but they just let you down...i'm disapointed in you. you make me cry. tears of laughter that is!! HAHAHAHA!! yes, i have just gone insane. i'm tottally nuts. but i'm loving it. i'm listening to Gwen Stefani's "What You Waiting For", i haven't heard it in a while and dang is it funky, it makes me laugh. and now Lost Prophets "Last Train Home"...sorry, i just love my music! anyway, on the subject of music i love i've been waiting all year for semptember to roll around so i could make a pun out of Green Day's song "Wake me up when September ends", which i have now done with this post. so my life is complete. anyway, i guess i should tell you about some stuff so you don't get bored.

as you may have noticed i have been away for the last two weeks on a whirlwind tour of europe. starting in latvia and then going to...well, just keep reading. so anyway, i'll tell you about everything. after piling into the van me and my family started the hours long trip to Riga. it was okay. we took a break in Pärnu for lunch and ate at this great little cafe called Georg which put this awesomely yummy pink sauce on the fries...YUM! i liked it a lot. so after filling our stomachs with yumminess we jumped back in the van and uneventfully crossed the border into latvia. so then after a few miscaleanous playground stops for my little brother to stretch we made it to Riga, at which point i cut my wrist. i was just bored i pulled out my pocket knife and...wait, that's not what happened. after hours in the car i had slouched down in my seat and in an attempt to sit back up put my hand on the side of the seat and tried to push myself up in the seat but my hand slipped and i gashed my wrist on this menacing little black metal part of the seat. ouch, bloody. it actually wasn't that bad and is finnaly almost healed. but it did hurt. anyway, after my injury we met up with our friend Ms. Major Diaz who's apartment we were staying at. we then trooped up to her apartment and enjoyed her large DVD collection.

i don't remember the exact order things happened after but the next morning we went to church and then sometime in the next few days we went to a zoo with another missionary family we'd met who's name i can't remember. which was fun for Elizabeth all the children in the family consisted of three girls. the oldest aged ten, like Elizabeth. do you notice that there are practically NO missionary kids my age around? what's with that? seriously! well who cares, all of the teenage girls i know are better looking than any missionary chick who might come around yeah, then some other time we went to this sweet Latvian castle which was wicked good fun. and i got some great pictures which i'll put on later. then after more time doing stuff in old town Riga, which is where i got that cool "Just Pie" pic you see up there, we got on a plane and after a short layover in Sweden we were off to the Isles of Great Britain...

keep checking because i'll blog about that later, but now i need to go watch winnie the pooh with my little bro. and just so you know if you see a star here is the wishing rhyme you need to know. "Flap like a bird, Jump like a fish. Sit down. Stand up. Wish, Wish, WISH!" anyway, Cya!!!

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