Wednesday, April 18, 2007

3 hours on monday, 4 on tuesday, 5 today...i think i'm seeing a pattern!

Remember how monday i stood at Stockmann for three hours? Well yesterday i stood there for 4 hours, and now today i babysat for 5 hours. Do you see the scary pattern here? Anyway, i need to tell you about yesterday at Stockmann because some very interesting things happened. I even got a kiss...READ!! You'll love this. Anyway. Let me try to remember how the day went. I hate blogging about things the day after they've happened. Anyway. I won't tell it in order. But i'll just tell you the three interesting things i remember happening yesterday. first of all this guy gave me money. I know that's what i was standing there for. But this was different. He'd given me money monday too. And that actually happens a lot. but this was different. Why? Because i liked this guy's jacket. What??? That's an odd reason. Well that's one of two reasons. The first one is that he has a really cool blue jacket that he wears. That thing is so cool! I wish i had a jacket like that. But besides that, the real reason is this. This guy is like fifteen. He had a cool jacket. He's not the type of guy who i see walk past and give me money. But on monday not only did he give me money, he apologized that he couldn't give more. First of all i'm not used to young people giving me money. And especially not cool liking young people. And i've almost never had anyone apologize. Wow. Who is this guy? I want to find out. He's cool. He's young. And he knows and likes The Salvation Army enough that he gives us money, but i've never seen him at youth group. What's with that?!? Who is this guy? We need more Christian guys! I'm terribly lonely...I mean i love spending all my time with girls. But i just get sick of them after a while.

That acutally reminds me of something that was bugging me yesterday. I had forgotten one of the few downsides to nice weather. And that is this. It seems that as soon as the weather gets warm, all girls (and women) decide that now that they can walk around with their chests uncovered with out freezing their mamary glands that they have to. And there for must walk around in public with more cleavage showing than i ever knew (or wanted to know) existed. It's horrible when i'm standing there and this lady walks past and i want to close my eyes in horror but i also want to make eye contact with everyone who walks past. It's very distracting. It just plain annoys me. But whatever. Not much i can do about it. Because the people who would listen to me about that type of thing i don't need to worry about. And they people who wouldn't listen to me...ugh....scary. Burn out my eyes please...

But anyway, that little rant got me off my point. So what else happened at Stockmann...oh yes, my kiss and my girlfriends. What do you want first? Kiss or girlfriends? Well i'll tell it in the order it happened. Kiss first. Anyway. I was standing there. Legs aching from standing, mouth aching from smiling. Just plain aching all over. And then this old lady walked past. Slowly. Squinting at my sign, then squinting at me, then checking the sign again to make sure it was still there, then me again to make sure i hadn't run off. She was making me dizzy looking back and forth so much! But then she stopped, looked at me, put her hand to her mouth...and blew me a kiss. After i got over the shock enough to realize what had happened she had retreated into Stockmann. She never did come bakc to give me money. But that kiss was worth more to me anyway. I know i'm wierd but hey, that's me! One other thing that happened that had forgot about (making this 4 things for 4 hours now) was this one lady walked up to me, put in 100 krooni, said "God bless you!" and left. Who are these people? I want to know...

Anyway, the last thing that happened was this. Three teenagish girls walked into stockmann and of course all instantly fell madly in love with me. They started whispering to each other (VERY LOUDLY!) saying things like "Whats is he? Some kind of manequin?" and so i held very still and then suddenly jerked my head at the them and gave them a big goofy smile. They jumped back and freaked out giggling. Apparently the also had a run in with Evelin, standing at the other door. And she didn't like them. Not in the least. She kept complaining about them to me later. And it as made worse by the fact that when me and Evelin left together at 5 my 3 girlfriends jumped on the tram with us! Laughing and talking the whole time. Now because me and Evelin were speaking to each other in english (always a fun thing to do in a packed tram while wearing uniform and a funny hat) they assumed we didn't speak Estonian. But we do. Evelin more than me. And so she got even more annoyed at them...

But we got off at HobuJaam anyway and then walked through old town. But then just as we were about to cross over to BaltiJaam and get to the corps we got stopped. Two guys with beer bottles stopped us and asked why i was wearing such and official looking uniform. And when i answered that i was with the Salvation Army they were like "Oh, God's army! Hallalujah! Amen!" and then walked off chuckling at what a funny joke they had made. I actually didn't think it was funny. I thought it was pretty cool. Anyway, some lady who had been passing by (who i later found out had been bugging people over at the Corps earlier) decided she wanted to stop us and give us an earful about how bad some of our employees are (we get that a lot...) and how the whole Christian community is pathetic because faith without works is dead and she sees a lot of so called "Faith" but so little works. For the most part i agreed with her about some things. But i always hate these long tirades of negativity. And it's even worse when it's in a language i can't understand. But i (with my awesome pacifying skills) was able to steer the conversation onto a happy course because several times she had mentioned how bad Estonian government is (she left almost no subject uncomplained about) and how she should go to Canada. Okay, i guess some people might consider Canada a promised land. But anyway i mentioned how i had been in Canada this summer and had visited the Estonian Baptist church in Vancouver. I then learned she had relatives in Vancouver and so we left as friends, commenting on how beautiful Canada is and with her saying me and Evelin were such nice young people. Well let's hope that helps stop future discontent from that corner. The last thing i need is to be stopped in the street and bugged every time i walk around in uniform. My Estonian isn't quite up to that level yet. But anyway me and Evelin made it the corps in time to make some tea and noodles to eat during Corps Cadets. All in all it was good. But now i'm tired from babysitting my insane siblings. So i must go visit my warm place of repose. I'm going ot bed!

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