Tuesday, September 09, 2008

1. Social Life 2. Good Grades 3. Adequate Sleep. Pick two. (Welcome to College)

Wow, freaky. Two people sent me the same flair on the same day. Thank you Christine and Monica, for giving me a name for this post and also describing college life in simple words. It saves me some time. After sleeping through my alarm on Sunday I felt like an idiot. Now I just feel like a college student. I, of course, have picked my two. Social life and good grades are my two top priorities. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t sleep, it just means that I changed my definition of adequate sleep from 8 hours to 6. I actually would prefer to get back to 8 hours of sleep a night. Or at least 7. But at the moment I’m juggling friends, homework, and sleep. And I’m not doing as much of any of the three as I’d normally like. I’ve kind of learned, after that first week, that I need to make schoolwork my top priority, even though I enjoy friends more. I write that as my open Bib. Lit. book sits next to me waiting to be read. I think blogging is a high priority too, so I’m making time for it. FaceBook is not a priority, so I should be making less time for that. Anyway, I bet you all want to know about what I’ve been up to, so I’ll tell you. I’ve been up to crazy college things. I got a job! I’m working for the Houghton Fund, which will be super fun. One interesting thing that’s been happening here at college is my struggling with authority. No, not against authority. With authority. What to do with it. My boss is a TCK and I’m friends with her brother and sister and want to be friends with her too, but I feel weird because she’s my boss. Can I be friends with someone in authority over me? Same with my R.A., Alex, he’s awesome, and I’d definitely say he’s my friend, but I feel weird being friends with the people in authority. I’d like to be friends with professors too, but once again I feel so awkward. With all these people I feel that if I try to just be friends with them than I’m not showing them the proper respect. So that’s kind of a dilemma.

Anyway, that’s not a huge problem. I mean, I’ve barely even been here a week yet. But it’s been quite an interesting week. I have many different friends, a rather diverse group. So I pretty much always have someone to sit with at meals. Though that’s one other problem I have. I have too many friends. I’m used to hanging out with two or three people at a time, but now a group of like ten will be going around together. And I just can’t really handle that. The only positive to a big group like that is that when I feel too overwhelmed by it, I can slip off and no one will notice. I guess some people would say you can never have many friends, and I kind of agree. But I’d rather have two or three close friends that are like my best friends than have twenty people who I hang out with on and off. I’m going for quality over quantity. I’m weird like that. And though I do have more friends than I can handle, I would say I have a few who are closest, so I’m good. I’ve really been enjoying dorm life. As I said before, my R.A., Alex, is cool. He likes blasting movie soundtracks while he studies, so it gives our whole floor a really cool feel. And we’re all constantly turning to each other and going, “Which movie is this from?” which makes things really fun. I’ve got a whole bunch of really fun guys on my floor. And we all like music. So there’s always something fun playing, so if I leave my room, I don’t walk through the halls, I dance, sing, or air guitar my way through the halls.

So anyway, I’m enjoying myself. It’s hard to adjust to this new environment, but I’m doing it. I had a revelation regarding school work the other day. I went back to my room and saw that I had a half hour of free time until I had to go to dinner. So I went on FaceBook and all that and I still had more time, so I reached in to my drawer and pulled out my CD case, took out the Heroes of Might and Magic III & IV CD, opened my CD drive and…stopped. I realized something. I have half an hour of free time? No I don’t! Any time I have a free minute I can do school work. I put away the games and started on school work. And though that may seem obvious to you, it was a revelation to me. And I Revelation I needed. I hadn’t installed any games yet, but previously when I had a free minute I would waste it on FaceBook or something, because of course I need at least two hours free to able to do homework. Yeah right. I’m now trying to use my time better. And getting quite positive results. So I’m happy with that. And now I must be going. Because I do still have some school work to be done. So until later, Cya!


Anonymous said...

Of course there's no free time in college - if, like me, you consider playing Spore a basic necessity. The universe will cower before my... weird, orange, quadruped... things! Anyway, my math teacher gives us like 2 minutes of homework a night, so that's cool. My other classes, however... let's just say that I have to work hard to find time to actually eat.

Our computer lab has World of Warcraft installed on every computer :)

Kapten Clark said...

Jesus had 12 close friends and 3 best friends from among the 12. :-)