Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here in Britain we don't drink from the toilets...(in this post i unmask a military/government conspiracy)

I took this picture in one of the London museums' bathrooms, either Science or natural history, they're like right next to each other so i don't remember which. i just thought the wording of this sign was funny, just a remember, no matter how thirsty you are please DO NOT drink out of the toilet. what they means is don't take water from the sinks because they get their water from a polluted water source beneath the museum because somehow that's more enviromentally safe. so anyway, where did i leave off? Sweden layover to Prytani? yup. so we landed in Britain and had to wait for like 2 hours (no joke) in line to go through customs because something had happened at one of the airports (plane crash, security scare, who knows?) so a ton of planes was getting diverted to the tiny little stansted airport and because of that (and the fact that it was like midnight) things were running really slow. so finally after making it through the ginormous (not a "real" word) lines we got a taxi to Days Inn were we were staying and after absorbing the schock of being in such an American like place (Days Inn is American, duh...) we collapsed and died on our beds, waiting for our prince and princess charmings to kiss us awake...

to bad that night all the charmings eloped together and therfore never came to wake my family up, but we did rise from the dead eventually and then went over to the restaruant next to get our free complimentary "Full English Breakfast". it wasn't all bad, but it was definitely a very greasy experience. and i have a conspiracy i would like to unmask. the military organisations of the world are brainwashing our youth into highly trained military commandos through video games. i personally specialize in squad leadership and covert sniping manevuers. i was slightly freaked out by seeing a ghost squad type arcade game where you wielded a sniper rifle and you got payed for doing well in the game. and i don't mean you got payed in the game. money would pop out of the machine if you did well. and it was designed and advertised that way. and that was a very realistic sniper rifle you held and shot at computerized terrorists. so now i've down it. i believe that through video games the militaries of the world are training the youth of the world through video games. and maybe when world war 3 rolls around as it most likely will someday soon they'll start mandatory drafts and those of us who have already been trained will be used mercilessly to take over the world. disagree? then why is the US army using video games in it's "Army of One" campaign? on their website you used to be able to download a army game which trained you for combat. i don't know if you still can but whatever. i've voiced my theory. now you KNOW i'm crazy. anyway, got way, WAY off track. so let's see, haven't even finished writing about the first day yet. wow i'm crazy.

so then we took a bus into london and then a train to chislehurst where we were staying. and what's cool is we were staying at this cool Salvation Army place for missionarys called "Avalon". i mean how cool is that? we stayed at a place called AVALON!! wicked dude!! and when i say wicked i don't mean evil. so yeah, that was cool. and again i don't remember the exact order of events but we did all the cool stuff ever. we hit all the free museums and had a blast with that. like i already mentioned we went to both the natural history and science museum. that was all a blast. i really enjoyed it all. and plus i got some sweet pictures which i will someday put on some site so you awesome people can see them. one totally awesome thing we did was go to 221b Baker St., which is the Sherlock Holmes museum. me and my sister are HUGE Sherlock Holmes fans, and it was really interesting to get to see al the stuff there. i loved it. Sherlock Holmes RULEZ! well let me rack my brain because i seem to be having memory failure about what we did in London. RACK RACK RACK! okay, i racked my brain. i didn't get anything, so what do i do when brain racking doesn't work? i ask my mom! duh! *turning, asking mother* wow, my mom's got a better memory than me. and also i should mention that she's B-E-A-utiful. she's always wanted me to say that.

so anyway, one sweet thing we did was go to the london museum where as a cool one day thing they had a bunch of guys dressed up as roman soldiers and you could ask them questions. i actually wasn't all too impressed by them because i thought they'd kinda be in character and when i asked them a question about they soldiers they would refer to themselves not "the soldiers back then". and i was hoping when i asked about their weapons and shields and how they were made they would tell me how the shields were made in roman times, not how these dudes had made them. sad. but whatever, it was still cool to see a bunch of guys in armor. but believe me i saw a lot more of that at the colloseum...oops! i gave away my next destination! another fun thing we did was go to IHQ (Salvation Army International Headquarters) and we got a tour. which wasn't horribly interesting because it was kind of like "here's an office, and here's another office, and this is...wait, why don't you guess? it's an OFFICE!". but i did get to see the top of the General's head so in the end it was worth it. kind of. oh, how i love sarcasm.

anyway, i think that was it, and i'm tired of writing now anyway. i just want to say that this blog post is brought to you by Sonlight Curriculim because today i read in my schooling stuff that to improve my writing i need to practice, practice, practice! that's right, three whole repititions. you know they must be serious...so tune in next time because after flying out of Britain we headed for Roma. and i fell in lova with Roma. and i took a lot more notes in rome so my blog posts will have so much more information (NO! not longer posts...). Cya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My toilet has plenty of drinking water in it. I mean, um... you went to the London Science Museum? Thats like my favorite science museum ever. Cool!