Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Day-Success!

Well, yesterday was my first day back at classes and it was pretty fantastic. It's even more fantastic after having experienced most of today. See, pretty much by accident I scheduled the perfect semester-A semester with classes only 2 days a week. On Tuesdays I have 4 classes and Thursdays I have 5. All the other 5 days of the week I have nothing to do but homework and...well, whatever I want! The one downside to putting all my classes on just two days out of the week is that those two days are exhausting. Yesterday I had class from 10 in the morning until 8 at night. But then today I had nothing, which was amazing! I had a relaxed morning and then spent the afternoon working on homework. Not just any homework though, homework that's not due until next week! If I keep this up I'll have a semester of work done early and relaxation 5 days a week. I really couldn't picture anything better.

Yesterday I started out at 10 with my Senior Seminar in Psychology. Dr. Young is the head of our Psychology department and one of the most amazing professors I have ever had the pleasure of learning from. Though the syllabus for the coming semester is intimidating it is also quite exciting.  As part of the senior sem we are required to fill out five job applications. The exciting part about this is that it means that Dr. Young will help me find a job! This lifts my spirits more than anything else.

At 1 I then had my Senior Writer's Workshop. I'm very excited for this because we get to propose our own final writing project, meaning it can be anything! After that my 3 o'clock class, Experimental Methods, was canceled due to my professor being ill. I didn't mind terribly though because it gave me time to go home and have a snack as well as contemplate what had been discussed in my two capstone courses. To finish off the night at 6 I had Child Psychopathology, and interesting course made even more interesting by the fact that my friend Aneka, a fellow psych major who is studying up in Buffalo for the semester, is taking the class through my computer via Skype.

I'm pretty psyched for my last semester.

Well, I bet you were hoping I would blog and say something more interesting than "my life rocks right now" but that's really all I have to say. Sorry to have bored you. Maybe I'll blog something more interesting tonight. Let's hope for some inspiration or something.

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