Exciting news, this blogging is paying off! I got 17 views yesterday! I know that's nothing compared to what I once had, but for not having told anyone that I'm blogging again I guess that's a good sign.
You may have noticed that I changed my blog description. Last summer I decided I wanted to start blogging again. I updated my layout, I wrote new descriptions for everything, I even wrote one or two nice posts. Then Blogger had this ridiculous crash and everybody lost all their changes from the few days prior, i.e. all the days I had been back to blogging. They managed to restore my posts, but my new layout and excellent description were destroyed. It was a really good description. It made me feel great. And it was gone. I fixed my layout again and managed to restore everything but that description. I could not for the life of me remember what I had written that had made it just the right balance of unpretentious intelligence and wittiness. Believe it or not that one little thing ate at me and I gave up on blogging regularly. Thankfully I tried again this morning and I came up with a description that I feel I can be happy with. At least now I feel good about blogging again.
Jenny and I graduate in May and we need jobs. Do you have any? Would you like to give either of us one? We're both amazing in ways resumes can't describe. You'd like us. Well, until somebody contacts me with a job I guess I'll just have to keep searching.
Today Jenny visited Chicago with her friend Anya and I guess she liked it a lot, thus the embed of Sufjan Steven's wonderful song about Chicago. Jenny and I have a pretty serious problem right now--We like a lot of places a lot. In June we are getting married and we don't know where we're going, what we're doing, or how we'll do it. The problem is that we're willing to go anywhere, literally anywhere, on Earth. When you have the whole world to choose from how can you pick where to live? We've considered a lot of cool places (Buffalo, San Francisco, Seattle, and now maybe Chicago) but when all of them are good options how can we choose?
My mom does this thing where she posts links on FaceBook non-stop. I do it too, but I like to think that all my links are hip and make me look like a deep thinker. The other day my mom posted a link on my wall about three reasons to travel while you're young. It was a pretty good article, I suggest you check it out. My biggest problem with things like this though is that I have traveled. I lived in another country for four years and I first left American soil when I was seven and have been traveling ever since. I've spent the majority of my youth traveling the world. And the three reasons?
1. Traveling teaches you to live an adventure
2. Traveling helps you encounter compassion
3. Traveling allows you to get some culture
Traveling has already taught me to live an adventure.
Traveling, and more than that, living and breathing the Salvation Army for most of my life has forced me to encounter more compassion than many of my classmates ever will.
Traveling, and much more importantly, actually living in another culture has allowed me to get much more than some culture.
But maybe that's not the point. Maybe Jenny and I shouldn't travel the "world" (at least not yet), but maybe we need to spend some time just focusing on one country. Maybe we should travel America. Both Jenny and I feel relatively unattached and angsty in America, myself much the more so, and maybe we just haven't given America a real chance yet. It's a big place. Maybe America could teach me something about adventure; I've only ever learned about it in Europe. Maybe America really could help me encounter compassion, I do have so much difficulty mustering compassion for what I often callously perceive to be the fat, ignorant, and unintelligent of America. That's a place in myself that I know could use work. Finally, who would dare think that after all my experiences around the world that I could learn anything about culture from America? Maybe I could learn something. I don't know. America is a mishmash of rich cultures that I've never really given a chance before. It might be cool to at some point.
Jenny and I have a fairly easily surmountable level of debt compared to many of our classmates, no commitments except to each other, and we both love adventure and are extremely flexible. I guess that could be an option. I don't know how we'd make it work financially, but if anybody has any ideas please let me know. Maybe some sort of freelance writing job? I could travel happily with my new wife by day and write filled with satisfaction each night. Seriously though, send me job offers.
Wow, this post will be over 1000 words by the time I'm done. I didn't think it would be this long. Weird. This is the first time this year it hasn't felt forced to blog. The first time it really flowed. I think I'm getting it back! Awesome. Well, goodnight for now. And really, pay me to do something for you and Jenny and I will go live out our dreams and stuff.
Until next time.
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