Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kopli Corps camp!

Well, i made it out alive. Kopli corps camp ended on Friday and it wasn't quite as bad as i was worried it would be. In fact, it wasn't bad at all. Just different. I don't think i blogged about my worries about this camp. But i will now. My big worry was this, the total number of teenagers at this camp was 4. The total number of pensioners (seniors, old fogeys) was about 3 times that. So i was slightly worried just because normally young people and old people are like oil and water, one works well in a sports car, the other doesn't. So i wasn't sure how well all us young people (that's right, all 4 of us) would be able to survive. The other worry was the fact that there was a grand total of 7 males at this camp, and 4 of them were under 10. So that meant that me and my friend Priit didn't have any place were we could sleep without being surrounded by snoring old ladies. So we had to sleep on cots in the meeting room and pack up our stuff every morning. Not the best arrangement, but workable. But anyway, to make all this worse the weather was dismal most of the week, meaning that we got to go to the beach a grand total of 2 (as in 1+1) times. Not great. But we still had fun. We played Uno and Phase 10 so much that if i ever see a wild card again i'll burn it. But anyway, it was still fun. And as i said, different. I'm used to camps were every meal (except maybe breakfast) is a very noisy affair. But at this camp if i had dropped a pin during the meal time silence the resulting roar of sound might have killed us all. How interesting. But yeah. It was okay. I made myself a hit with the old ladies when i carried their stuff and told an 89 year old i had thought she was 21 (a little white lie...). But anyway, i think that's all there is to tell.

No wait, no it's not. I finished the seventh Harry Potter book. I won't give anything away, but i was shocked by some things, and the ending left me hollow. I wanted more. And i still want more. But Christopher Paolini hasn't said when his new book is out yet so i won't be reading anything quite so epic for a while. Anyway, another exciting thing is that i went to Evan Almighty. And i have a big surprise for all of you, it didn't suck! I liked it! I thought of course sequals always suck, but this one worked. I liked it. I especially loved his little prayer at the beginning. And i loved the little message that i'm not sure anyone else got, you don't have to be a Christian to do God's work, even politicians can do it. Anyway, that's about it, i'm tired now and i would like to go do some couch patatoey type things, but i have the feeling my parents are going to put me to work anyway so...ugh. Cya!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hi Chris,

hehe, I read your blog again (after a while). Of course it was thanks to Priit too. I wanted to know some good stuff about the camp and he knew that you blogged about it.

So thanks for writing it. I guess it was a bit different camp for the teens but I bet it was great :D

So see ya in the music camp.