Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My newest post ever! (As of 21:40 September 18th.)

Sunglasses are cool. So are girls with dark hair and dark clothes. Dark sunglasses with dark hair and dark clothes are coolest. Why all this talk of dark haired sunglasses? Am I more insane than yesterday? Yes and no. More yes, less no. But besides that. Tonight is a dark and stormy night. Not stormy really, but rainy. So it makes sense that today was a dark and rainy day. Now for most of you who have read my blog for a long time you know what I do when the weather turns dark and gloomy. I follow. I turn dark and gloomy. I take over dark and gloomy. Rule over it and become the king of dark and gloomy. But this year I’ve decided on a different method. When the weather turns gloomy I will turn…loony! You might say I’m always loony. But whatever. Anyway, it was a dark and rainy day. So I put on my fleece/hoody combo along with my super special awesome hat. Then what final accessory did I add to this coolest of cool outfits? I added the only thing missing, sunglasses and cool music. It was a dark day, and as I turned on my cool walking music to put a spring in my step as I strut down the street I put on my sunglasses and made the dark day much darker. This did not, as you might expect, make my mood much darker. It actually made me feel really cool. Not only did I have something to shield my eyes from drops of rain, I also now looked like a badly disguised secret agent! I’ve made quite an exciting decision. If I were to be a secret agent I’ve decided what I’d want my secret agent name to be. James bond is totally lame. I would be Devlin, Duke Devlin. High five to the first person who can tell me where I got that name idea and why I want it. So anyway, I’m taking forever to get to my point (as usual). So as I slipped out of the house, agent Devlin on a mission to wear sunglasses on a dark day. I felt great. I was the only person in all of Tallinn wearing sunglasses! You might think that’s weird but I payed a whole dollar for those glasses and I mean to get some good use out of them before I lose or break them! So I had a great time getting stared at. One thing I love about sunglasses is that no one knows when you’re looking at them. So people will stare at you when they normally wouldn’t because they think you have no reason to be looking to the left when your head is facing forward. But I do have a reason. I’m watching who stares at me. And I was pleased to note the quite a few girls found my outfit extraordinarily attractive. Either that or rather comical. But I’d say they thought it was gorgeous.

Anyway, I wasn’t the only one to have rainy adventures. As I rode on the tram two girls came on and I noticed something slightly odd about one of them. She didn’t have a head. Well, in the end it turned out she did. She just had a plastic bag over it. And her friend was leading her by the arm. Now either Ms. Bagless had a gun in her pocket and was leading Ms. Baghead to her evil prison cell and they both were in need of Agent Duke Devlin (cue theme music) to save them, or Ms. Baghead was protecting her newly dyed hair. It turned out to be the dyed hair version, much to my disappointment. I was all ready for the cued theme music (SexyBack) to play and I would walk down and say “Unhand that raven-haired beauty, you evil, but also beautiful, blond!” Then there would be this cool dance/fight scene which would somehow, miraculously, end in a romantic way involving the banishment of all evil. But that didn’t happen. Though I did enjoy laughing (Inwardly of course) at how ridiculous they looked. But that brings me to my next point. This was a RAVEN-HAIRED damsel in distress. My favorite kind. And the darker it gets, the darker the damsels’ hair seems to become. And the darker they seem to dress. I love it! Either all the blonds are hibernating and the darkies finally have crawled out of their summer hiding places, or the blonds have morphed into super gorgeous dark haired, dark dressed, wonders of feminine perfection. Just like frosted flakes, “They’re GREAT!!!” I love this time of year. I can dress in black and so does everyone else. It’s great.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re getting sick of hearing about my taste in clothes and girls. And I don’t have a whole lot else to blog about. Maybe you’d like to hear about what I’ve been doing lately? It’s been a while since I wrote one of those types of posts. Well today we had praise band practice at the corps. It rocked. I was all like “Pane taiega, võta Snickers!” Never mind, that’s only cool if I turn into a giant robot when I say it (seen that commercial?). I’m still having trouble really finding my place in praise band sometimes. Do I sing? Do I play Chemba? And new to the equation, though my personal favorite once I’ve practiced enough, do I play guitar? What do I do? Well the truth is I do all these things, including set up mics. It’s great fun. I just can’t wait to play guitar, because it will give me an excuse not to sing. Because I just can’t play guitar and sing at the same time. I’ve tried. I can sing, or I can play guitar. If I do both then they both sound bad. Today my fellow lead singer, well she’s the real singer, but whatever, today she refused to sing with me on one song and I was horrified at how bad I sounded. I didn’t know the song and it was too high. Whatever. Microsoft word tells me I have now written 1042 words (not including everything from “words” onward) but I’m still not done. I have already made this a bi-lingual post by adding that little Estonian joke, but now I will try something I have never before done. I will make this a tri-lingual post! I will painstakingly find the Russian letters on my keyboard to spell out my Russian nickname. Курица! Chicken! My Russian nickname is Chicken, from my Japanese name Kurisu. Chicken in Russian is pronounced kind of like “Kooritsa” or something similar. So if you want to sound Russian next time you see me simply cal me chicken! Anyway, as of now I’m at 1148 words, and I’m tired, so good night! (1159 words total.)

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