Saturday, December 02, 2006

What the? Stop commenting anonymously!! (Love, Natalie Portman)

I HATE ANONYMOUS COMMENTS!! Who commented saying "Woah! Your nice!"? And who said "YOU ROCK!!!"? I hate it when you comment and i don't know who you are! Please don't do that! Please sign your name. Say "YOU ROCK!!! Love, Bob The Builder" or "Woah! Your nice! Marry me, George Bush". Come on! So anyway, that's all i have to say about that. I have something wicked cool to tell you, i, Chris Clark, saw her <---, Natalie Portman, on the tram!!! Well, not really. Natalie Portman doesn't speak russian does she? And she's not like 15 is she? Well then i guess this was her younger clone. Her younger, russian speaking Estonian clone. Besides wanting to take her picture and also wanting to propose to her i was also laughing at myself, since when do i care about famous people? NEVER! Anyway, it was very funny. I stalked her until our paths parted at BaltiJaam. And don't ask why i care about a girl who looks like Natalie Portman, i just like chicks from star wars! Look at those twileks...Anyway, i've gotta go. So Cya!

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