Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Writing is Hard

So, I'm starting to think I just can't really write well on Sundays. Something about the crazy, hectic quality of the work I do on Sundays just drains any ability to be creative. I had planned to write about Gamechurch today but, you know, I'm not. Because I'm tired. I'm willing to forgive myself for that, though, because yesterday I wrote nearly 5000 words and it was my birthday (the rest of those words were about Magic on the Meadery.)

Today was a more or less normal Sunday, except just a little bit better than average. I had to do twice as many pick ups as normal today. Two routes, six stops, and fourteen kids. But by some miracle all the kids were ready right on time rather than making me wait 10 minutes at each stop. It's almost as if they got together and decided that the best birthday gift they could give me was a low-stress Sunday morning. Heck, I really appreciated it. That's a good gift!

When I got them all back to church and in the Sunday School classroom it turned out that the boss had cupcakes for everyone and all the kids sang Happy Birthday for me. It was pretty nice. I had to finish my lesson before I was able to eat my cupcake, so it was hard to focus on the teaching because I had chocolate frosting on my mind the whole time.

Once I got home I was feeling tired and had kind of a headache so I took some time for some mellow activities. I sat down and did some organizing of my Magic cards, some Pucatrading, and put on some crap Netflix (Okay, I'll shamefacedly admit it was Star Wars: Clone Wars. It's technically canon, so I need to watch it!) It was nice to just have some focused chill time.

So, that's my day. Fairly average. I'll write again tomorrow, as per usual. Will it be good? Will it be terrible? Check back tomorrow and take a chance on me! (Obligatory song below)

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