Saturday, January 16, 2016

Writing from the Prerelease.

As I am writing this I am sitting in Weekend Anime, my local gaming store, surrounded by a group of my geeky friends. Today I played in Standard (First place!) and Modern (Not last!) and now we’re all waiting for midnight for prerelease to begin. In just over an hour we’ll be cracking open packs of the newest cards and playing games together into the wee hours of the morning.

I got pulled away from that first paragraph to go play a game of DC Deckbuilder. I won. My night is going exceptionally well. I’ve got about 5 minutes before I get my prerelease pack and have to start building my deck. I’ll finish up this post and put it up before I got to sleep. I think I’ll update you on my night as I go. I’ve brought my laptop with me so that I can write and also update my Pucatrade as I go.

Nothing too exciting in my pool. A lot of the people around me opened really cool cards, so that’s a little sad. Now I just need to make sure I win. A lot.

I just won. A lot. I went entirely undefeated and I feel quite good. Now I get to take some packs home to play with Jenny. I had a fantastic night. Two years ago I made a New Year’s resolution to make friends. Back then I never could have imagined I would eventually spend a night out just having a blast with a bunch of fellow geeks. This is something special. If this isn’t nice, what is?

I’ll be back again tomorrow with more blog nonsense. I hope this post wasn’t all that annoying or anything. Check back tomorrow for something possibly a little bit more substantive. Sleep well, friend.

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